[HTML][HTML] Impact of car sharing on urban sustainability
The article gives us an insight into the key issues of car sharing and its impact on urban
sustainability. A selection of 314 articles published in peer-reviewed journals from the …
sustainability. A selection of 314 articles published in peer-reviewed journals from the …
[HTML][HTML] The business of accelerating sustainable urban development: A systematic review and synthesis
D Mazutis, L Sweet - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022 - Elsevier
Given the rapid pace of population growth, urbanization and hence construction and
development, businesses within the built environment industry play a critical role in ensuring …
development, businesses within the built environment industry play a critical role in ensuring …
[Књига][B] Sustainable urbanism in China
Sustainable Urbanism in China explores the notion of" Sustainable Urbanism" by
considering the role sustainable neighborhood planning plays in the larger picture of …
considering the role sustainable neighborhood planning plays in the larger picture of …
Urban parks, value uplift and green gentrification: An application of the spatial hedonic model in the city of Brisbane
This paper explores the impact of urban parks on real estate prices making use of a hedonic
price approach. Focusing on Brisbane, Australia, as a case study site, we use spatial …
price approach. Focusing on Brisbane, Australia, as a case study site, we use spatial …
It's all about community: On the interplay of social capital, social needs, and environmental concern in sustainable community action
LH Broska - Energy Research & Social Science, 2021 - Elsevier
Behavior change towards sustainable lifestyles such as adoption of renewable energy
technologies is a significant element in the fight against anthropogenic climate change …
technologies is a significant element in the fight against anthropogenic climate change …
Green premium in buildings: Evidence from the real estate market of Singapore
Different evaluation protocols were proposed to calculate the degree of sustainability of
buildings and large-scale projects. In parallel, many studies focused on estimating the …
buildings and large-scale projects. In parallel, many studies focused on estimating the …
[HTML][HTML] Unpacking SDG target 11. a: What is it about and how to measure its progress?
The pivotal role that urbanisation plays in global development trajectories is clearly
acknowledged by the United Nations 2030 Agenda that, among its 17 Sustainable …
acknowledged by the United Nations 2030 Agenda that, among its 17 Sustainable …
Decision making in urban development: The application of a hybrid evaluation method for a critical area in the city of Turin (Italy)
Smart cities and sustainable neighbourhoods are increasingly gaining more attention within
policy decisions on urban transformations. In this context, Decision-Makers (DMs) need …
policy decisions on urban transformations. In this context, Decision-Makers (DMs) need …
Green justice through policy and practice: a call for further research into tools that foster healthy green cities for all
Green or environmental gentrification has been shown to be directly related to residential
physical and socio-cultural displacement and insecure housing conditions among socially or …
physical and socio-cultural displacement and insecure housing conditions among socially or …
Neighbourhood sustainability: State of the art, critical review and space-temporal analysis
This paper introduces a review on sustainability-related concepts at a neighbourhood scale.
3909 abstracts of papers on “neighbourhood sustainability” published between the late …
3909 abstracts of papers on “neighbourhood sustainability” published between the late …