Feasibility of autonomous decision making on board an agile earth‐observing satellite

G Beaumet, G Verfaillie… - Computational …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
In this article, we present the main results of the feasibility study we have carried out about
autonomous decision making on board an Earth‐observing agile satellite, equipped with a …

A Dynamic Scheduling Method of Earth‐Observing Satellites by Employing Rolling Horizon Strategy

Q Dishan, H Chuan, L **… - The Scientific World …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Focused on the dynamic scheduling problem for earth‐observing satellites (EOS), an integer
programming model is constructed after analyzing the main constraints. The rolling horizon …

[PDF][PDF] The timeline representation framework as a planning and scheduling software development environment

A Cesta, S Fratini - Proc. of 27th Workshop of the UK Planning and …, 2008 - macs.hw.ac.uk
A planner and/or a scheduler consists not only in an outstanding algorithm but also in a
significant piece of software that identify it as a “system”. This is true both in case of applied …

How to model planning and scheduling problems using constraint networks on timelines

G Verfaillie, C Pralet, M Lemaître - The Knowledge Engineering …, 2010 - cambridge.org
The CNT framework (Constraint Network on Timelines) has been designed to model
discrete event dynamic systems and the properties one knows, one wants to verify, or one …

The heuristic preemptive dispatching method of material transportation system in 300 mm semiconductor fabrication

CN Wang, LC Chen - Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2012 - Springer
The production lot of higher priority should enjoy the privilege of transportation on the shop
floor because of either tough market competition or customer's urgent requirements in 300 …

Formalization of resilience for constraint-based dynamic systems

N Schwind, M Magnin, K Inoue, T Okimoto… - Journal of Reliable …, 2016 - Springer
Many researchers in different fields are interested in building resilient systems that can
absorb shocks and recover from damages caused by unexpected large-scale events …


向尚, 陈盈果, **国梁, 邢立宁 - 自动化学报, 2019 - aas.net.cn
如何利用有限的星上资源执行复杂繁重的空间任务长期以来备受关注, 随着卫星载荷能力不断
提升, 响应时间要求不断缩短, 卫星自主与协同任务调度规划研究的重要性逐渐增大 …

[PDF][PDF] Using Constraint Networks on Timelines to Model and Solve Planning and Scheduling Problems.

C Pralet, G Verfaillie - ICAPS, 2008 - cdn.aaai.org
In the last decades, there has been an increasing interest in the connection between
planning and constraint programming. Several approaches were used, leading to different …

[PDF][PDF] Decision upon observations and data downloads by an autonomous earth surveillance satellite

C Pralet, G Verfaillie - Proc. of the 9th International Symposium on Artificial …, 2008 - onera.fr
In the context of the French CNES-ONERA-LAAS AGATA project (Charmeau & Bensana
2005) which aims at develo** technical means of improving spacecraft autonomy, we are …

Research on the D evelopment of I ntelligent S pace System (ISS)

D Wang, F Dong, S Yu, L Wang - International Conference on Mobile …, 2022 - Springer
First, the research scope of Intelligent Space Systems (ISS) is clarified, and then the
domestic and foreign development of intelligent space systems in three directions is …