Seismic wave attenuation and dispersion resulting from wave-induced flow in porous rocks—A review

TM Müller, B Gurevich, M Lebedev - Geophysics, 2010 -
One major cause of elastic wave attenuation in heterogeneous porous media is wave-
induced flow of the pore fluid between heterogeneities of various scales. It is believed that …

Generalised receiver functions and seismic interferometry

E Galetti, A Curtis - Tectonophysics, 2012 - Elsevier
Classical seismological receiver functions are correlational or deconvolutional combinations
of vertical and horizontal component seismometer recordings of earthquake waves that …

Tutorial on seismic interferometry: Part 2—Underlying theory and new advances

K Wapenaar, E Slob, R Snieder, A Curtis - Geophysics, 2010 -
In the 1990s, the method of time-reversed acoustics was developed. This method exploits
the fact that the acoustic wave equation for a lossless medium is invariant for time reversal …

Extended imaging conditions for wave‐equation migration

P Sava, I Vasconcelos - Geophysical Prospecting, 2011 -
Wavefield‐based migration velocity analysis using the semblance principle requires
computation of images in an extended space in which we can evaluate the imaging …

Source-receiver wave field interferometry

A Curtis, D Halliday - Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2010 - APS
Correlation or convolution of recordings of diffuse fields at a pair of locations have been
shown to result in estimates of the Green's function between the two locations. Variously …

Controlled-source interferometric redatuming by crosscorrelation and multidimensional deconvolution in elastic media

J van der Neut, J Thorbecke, K Mehta, E Slob… - Geophysics, 2011 -
Various researchers have shown that accurate redatuming of controlled seismic sources to
downhole receiver locations can be achieved without requiring a velocity model. By placing …

Interferometric ground-roll removal: Attenuation of scattered surface waves in single-sensor data

DF Halliday, A Curtis, P Vermeer, C Strobbia… - Geophysics, 2010 -
Land seismic data are contaminated by surface waves (or ground roll). These surface waves
are a form of source-generated noise and can be strongly scattered by near-surface …

Focusing and Green's function retrieval in three-dimensional inverse scattering revisited: A single-sided Marchenko integral for the full wave field

L Diekmann, I Vasconcelos - Physical Review Research, 2021 - APS
The Marchenko integral, key to inverse scattering problems across many disciplines, is a
long-standing equation that relates single-sided reflection data and Green's functions for …

A practical implementation of subsalt Marchenko imaging with a Gulf of Mexico data set

X Jia, A Guitton, R Snieder - Geophysics, 2018 -
Marchenko redatuming allows one to use surface seismic reflection data to generate the
seismic response from sources at the surface to any point in the subsurface. Without …

Source-receiver, reverse-time imaging of dual-source, vector-acoustic seismic data

I Vasconcelos - Geophysics, 2013 -
Novel technologies in seismic data acquisition allow for recording full vector-acoustic (VA)
data: pointwise recordings of pressure and its multicomponent gradient, excited by pressure …