Supply chain resilience: a systematic literature review and typological framework
Purpose The study of supply chain resilience (SCRES) continues to gain interest in the
academic and practitioner communities. The purpose of this paper is to present a focused …
academic and practitioner communities. The purpose of this paper is to present a focused …
[HTML][HTML] A conceptual framework to manage resilience and increase sustainability in the supply chain
The challenges of global economies foster supply chains to have to increase their processes
of collaboration and dependence between their nodes, generating an increase in the level …
of collaboration and dependence between their nodes, generating an increase in the level …
OR-methods for co** with the ripple effect in supply chains during COVID-19 pandemic: Managerial insights and research implications
The COVID-19 pandemic unveils unforeseen and unprecedented fragilities in supply chains
(SC). A primary stressor of SCs and their subsequent shocks derives from disruption …
(SC). A primary stressor of SCs and their subsequent shocks derives from disruption …
The impact of information technology usage on supply chain resilience and performance: An ambidexterous view
Scholars and practitioners have recognized the importance of supply chain (SC) resilience.
However, it remains unclear how to build SC resilience and whether SC resilience can …
However, it remains unclear how to build SC resilience and whether SC resilience can …
The evolution of resilience in supply chain management: a retrospective on ensuring supply chain resilience
We opened our 2010 paper in the Journal of Business Logistics with a 6th century quote by
Heraclitus–“The only constant is change.” This immutable law certainly holds in today's …
Heraclitus–“The only constant is change.” This immutable law certainly holds in today's …
[HTML][HTML] The effect of high-involvement human resource management practices on supply chain resilience and operational performance
Supply chain (SC) resilience is an increasingly important topic for practitioners and
academics because it is a competitive weapon for firms to cope with SC disruptive risks. This …
academics because it is a competitive weapon for firms to cope with SC disruptive risks. This …
[HTML][HTML] A survey and analysis of the first 40 years of scholarly literature in DEA: 1978–2016
In recent years there has been an exponential growth in the number of publications related
to theory and applications of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Charnes, Cooper, and …
to theory and applications of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Charnes, Cooper, and …
Supply chain resilience during pandemic disruption: evidence from healthcare
Purpose This paper aims to explore how resilience is evident in healthcare supply chains in
the public sector when faced with pandemic disruption and to identify any learnings to inform …
the public sector when faced with pandemic disruption and to identify any learnings to inform …
Building resilience for sustainability of MSMEs post COVID-19 outbreak: An Indian handicraft industry outlook
The handicraft business constitutes concept selling rather than mere product selling, which
is highly dependent on demand. Handicrafts' Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) …
is highly dependent on demand. Handicrafts' Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) …
Managing supply chain resilience to pursue business and environmental strategies
Resilience has become a crucial topic in the field of strategic management as it requires
companies to design resilient business models to tackle managerial and environmental …
companies to design resilient business models to tackle managerial and environmental …