[HTML][HTML] Can gender-fair language reduce gender stereoty** and discrimination?
Gender-fair language (GFL) aims at reducing gender stereoty** and discrimination. Two
principle strategies have been employed to make languages gender-fair and to treat women …
principle strategies have been employed to make languages gender-fair and to treat women …
Language and prejudice: Direct and moderated effects
KA Collins, R Clément - Journal of Language and Social …, 2012 - journals.sagepub.com
In the ever-increasing globalization of the world, there has been a parallel increase in the
amount of contact between members of different social groups, and thus, more opportunities …
amount of contact between members of different social groups, and thus, more opportunities …
The role of proficiency and working memory in gender and number agreement processing in L1 and L2 Spanish
N Sagarra, J Herschensohn - Lingua, 2010 - Elsevier
Most adult learners cannot attain native competence in a second language (L2). Some
approaches maintain that L2 learners cannot access features unavailable in L1 after puberty …
approaches maintain that L2 learners cannot access features unavailable in L1 after puberty …
Beyond sexist beliefs: How do people decide to use gender-inclusive language?
When people use generic masculine language instead of more gender-inclusive forms, they
communicate gender stereotypes and sometimes exclusion of women from certain social …
communicate gender stereotypes and sometimes exclusion of women from certain social …
Gendered representations of person referents activated by the nonbinary gender star in German: A word-picture matching task
L Zacharski, EC Ferstl - Discourse Processes, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
The public debate on the use of the German nonbinary gender asterisk (Lehrer* in 'teacher')
is emotionally charged. While it has been adopted by political and educational institutions …
is emotionally charged. While it has been adopted by political and educational institutions …
Non-binary language in Spanish? Comprehension of non-binary morphological forms: a psycholinguistic study
There is empirical evidence in different languages on how the computation of gender
morphology during psycholinguistic processing affects the construction of sex-generic …
morphology during psycholinguistic processing affects the construction of sex-generic …
Proficiency and animacy effects on L2 gender agreement processes during comprehension
N Sagarra, J Herschensohn - Language Learning, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
This study examines whether adult second language (L2) learners of an ungendered first
language (L1) are sensitive to gender congruency (grammatical feature absent in the L1) …
language (L1) are sensitive to gender congruency (grammatical feature absent in the L1) …
The masculine form and its competing interpretations in French: When linking grammatically masculine role names to female referents is difficult
Using a word association paradigm we examined the extent to which readers can overcome
the specific interpretation of the grammatical masculine form in French when instructed to …
the specific interpretation of the grammatical masculine form in French when instructed to …
Can a group of musicians be composed of women? Generic interpretation of French masculine role names in the absence and presence of feminine forms
The malleability of the generic interpretation of masculine role names in French was
investigated by manipulating readers' exposure to feminine forms. In two experiments …
investigated by manipulating readers' exposure to feminine forms. In two experiments …
What's in a (role) name? Formal and conceptual aspects of comprehending personal nouns
L Irmen - Journal of psycholinguistic research, 2007 - Springer
Two eye-tracking studies assessed effects of grammatical and conceptual gender cues in
generic role name processing in German. Participants read passages about a social or …
generic role name processing in German. Participants read passages about a social or …