Deep learning for sentiment analysis: A survey
Deep learning has emerged as a powerful machine learning technique that learns multiple
layers of representations or features of the data and produces state‐of‐the‐art prediction …
layers of representations or features of the data and produces state‐of‐the‐art prediction …
Issues and challenges of aspect-based sentiment analysis: A comprehensive survey
The domain of Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis, in which aspects are extracted, their
sentiments are analysed and sentiments are evolved over time, is getting much attention …
sentiments are analysed and sentiments are evolved over time, is getting much attention …
A survey on aspect-based sentiment analysis: Tasks, methods, and challenges
As an important fine-grained sentiment analysis problem, aspect-based sentiment analysis
(ABSA), aiming to analyze and understand people's opinions at the aspect level, has been …
(ABSA), aiming to analyze and understand people's opinions at the aspect level, has been …
Aspect-based sentiment classification with aspect-specific graph convolutional networks
Due to their inherent capability in semantic alignment of aspects and their context words,
attention mechanism and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are widely applied for …
attention mechanism and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are widely applied for …
Attention, please! A survey of neural attention models in deep learning
In humans, Attention is a core property of all perceptual and cognitive operations. Given our
limited ability to process competing sources, attention mechanisms select, modulate, and …
limited ability to process competing sources, attention mechanisms select, modulate, and …
Position-aware tagging for aspect sentiment triplet extraction
Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction (ASTE) is the task of extracting the triplets of target
entities, their associated sentiment, and opinion spans explaining the reason for the …
entities, their associated sentiment, and opinion spans explaining the reason for the …
Dependency graph enhanced dual-transformer structure for aspect-based sentiment classification
Aspect-based sentiment classification is a popular task aimed at identifying the
corresponding emotion of a specific aspect. One sentence may contain various sentiments …
corresponding emotion of a specific aspect. One sentence may contain various sentiments …
Exploiting BERT for end-to-end aspect-based sentiment analysis
In this paper, we investigate the modeling power of contextualized embeddings from pre-
trained language models, eg BERT, on the E2E-ABSA task. Specifically, we build a series of …
trained language models, eg BERT, on the E2E-ABSA task. Specifically, we build a series of …
Multi-grained attention network for aspect-level sentiment classification
We propose a novel multi-grained attention network (MGAN) model for aspect level
sentiment classification. Existing approaches mostly adopt coarse-grained attention …
sentiment classification. Existing approaches mostly adopt coarse-grained attention …
Transformation networks for target-oriented sentiment classification
Target-oriented sentiment classification aims at classifying sentiment polarities over
individual opinion targets in a sentence. RNN with attention seems a good fit for the …
individual opinion targets in a sentence. RNN with attention seems a good fit for the …