A survey of software aging and rejuvenation studies
Software aging is a phenomenon plaguing many long-running complex software systems,
which exhibit performance degradation or an increasing failure rate. Several strategies …
which exhibit performance degradation or an increasing failure rate. Several strategies …
Analysis of software aging in a web server
Several recent studies have reported & examined the phenomenon that long-running
software systems show an increasing failure rate and/or a progressive degradation of their …
software systems show an increasing failure rate and/or a progressive degradation of their …
A comprehensive model for software rejuvenation
Recently, the phenomenon of software aging, one in which the state of the software system
degrades with time, has been reported. This phenomenon, which may eventually lead to …
degrades with time, has been reported. This phenomenon, which may eventually lead to …
An approach for estimation of software aging in a web server
A number of recent studies have reported the phenomenon of" software aging",
characterized by progressive performance degradation or a sudden hang/crash of a …
characterized by progressive performance degradation or a sudden hang/crash of a …
Analysis of a two-level software rejuvenation policy
A two-level rejuvenation policy for software systems with degradation process is studied.
Both full restarts and partial restarts are considered in this rejuvenation strategy. A semi …
Both full restarts and partial restarts are considered in this rejuvenation strategy. A semi …
Optimization of two-granularity software rejuvenation policy based on the Markov regenerative process
Software rejuvenation is a proactive software control technique that is used to improve a
computing system performance when it suffers from software aging. In this paper, a two …
computing system performance when it suffers from software aging. In this paper, a two …
Performance assurance via software rejuvenation: Monitoring, statistics and algorithms
We present three algorithms for detecting the need for software rejuvenation by monitoring
the changing values of a customer-affecting performance metric, such as response time …
the changing values of a customer-affecting performance metric, such as response time …
Software Faults, Software Aging and Software Rejuvenation (< Special Survey> New Development of Software Reliability Engineering)
抄録 過去 10 年間, 長期間稼動するソフトウェアシステムに対して, hang/crash
障害の発生率が増加したり, 徐々にシステムの性能が劣化する現象であるソフトウェアエージング …
障害の発生率が増加したり, 徐々にシステムの性能が劣化する現象であるソフトウェアエージング …
Analysis of restart mechanisms in software systems
Restarts or retries are a common phenomenon in computing systems, for instance, in
preventive maintenance, software rejuvenation, or when a failure is suspected. Typically …
preventive maintenance, software rejuvenation, or when a failure is suspected. Typically …
Optimal periodic software rejuvenation policies based on interval reliability criteria
Software aging often affects the performance of software systems and may eventually cause
them to fail. A complementary approach to handle transient software failures due to the …
them to fail. A complementary approach to handle transient software failures due to the …