Unlocking complex soil systems as carbon sinks: multi-pool management as the key
Much research focuses on increasing carbon storage in mineral-associated organic matter
(MAOM), in which carbon may persist for centuries to millennia. However, MAOM-targeted …
(MAOM), in which carbon may persist for centuries to millennia. However, MAOM-targeted …
Effect of organic material addition on active soil organic carbon and microbial diversity: A meta-analysis
Organic materials are integral to the soil carbon cycle in agricultural ecosystems, yet their
specific impacts on soil organic carbon (SOC) and microbial diversity are not fully …
specific impacts on soil organic carbon (SOC) and microbial diversity are not fully …
Nitrogen fertilization weakens the linkage between soil carbon and microbial diversity: a global meta‐analysis
Soil microbes make up a significant portion of the genetic diversity and play a critical role in
belowground carbon (C) cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. Soil microbial diversity and …
belowground carbon (C) cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. Soil microbial diversity and …
Changes in plant inputs alter soil carbon and microbial communities in forest ecosystems
Global changes can alter plant inputs from both above‐and belowground, which, thus, may
differently affect soil carbon and microbial communities. However, the general patterns of …
differently affect soil carbon and microbial communities. However, the general patterns of …
Global warming accelerates soil heterotrophic respiration
Carbon efflux from soils is the largest terrestrial carbon source to the atmosphere, yet it is still
one of the most uncertain fluxes in the Earth's carbon budget. A dominant component of this …
one of the most uncertain fluxes in the Earth's carbon budget. A dominant component of this …
Spatial patterns and environmental functions of dissolved organic matter in grassland soils of China
Soil dissolved organic matter (DOM) is crucial to atmospheric, terrestrial and aquatic
environments as well as human life. Here, by characterizing DOM from 89 grassland soils …
environments as well as human life. Here, by characterizing DOM from 89 grassland soils …
Oxygen availability regulates the quality of soil dissolved organic matter by mediating microbial metabolism and iron oxidation
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays a vital role in biogeochemical processes and in
determining the responses of soil organic matter (SOM) to global change. Although the …
determining the responses of soil organic matter (SOM) to global change. Although the …
Improved global-scale predictions of soil carbon stocks with Millennial Version 2
Soil carbon (C) models are used to predict C sequestration responses to climate and land
use change. Yet, the soil models embedded in Earth system models typically do not …
use change. Yet, the soil models embedded in Earth system models typically do not …
Machine learning prediction and interpretation of the impact of microplastics on soil properties
The annual microplastic (MP) release into soils is 4–23 times higher than that into oceans,
significantly impacting soil quality. However, the mechanisms underlying how MPs impact …
significantly impacting soil quality. However, the mechanisms underlying how MPs impact …
The influence of tide-brought nutrients on microbial carbon metabolic profiles of mangrove sediments
Mangrove ecosystems in the intertidal zone are continually affected by tidal inundation, but
the impact of tidal-driven nutrient inputs upon bacterial communities and carbon metabolic …
the impact of tidal-driven nutrient inputs upon bacterial communities and carbon metabolic …