Integrated task and motion planning
The problem of planning for a robot that operates in environments containing a large
number of objects, taking actions to move itself through the world as well as to change the …
number of objects, taking actions to move itself through the world as well as to change the …
Multiple mobile robot task and motion planning: A survey
With recent advances in mobile robotics, autonomous systems, and artificial intelligence,
there is a growing expectation that robots are able to solve complex problems. Many of …
there is a growing expectation that robots are able to solve complex problems. Many of …
Formal specification and verification of autonomous robotic systems: A survey
Autonomous robotic systems are complex, hybrid, and often safety critical; this makes their
formal specification and verification uniquely challenging. Though commonly used, testing …
formal specification and verification uniquely challenging. Though commonly used, testing …
Harvesting robots for high‐value crops: State‐of‐the‐art review and challenges ahead
This review article analyzes state‐of‐the‐art and future perspectives for harvesting robots in
high‐value crops. The objectives were to characterize the crop environment relevant for …
high‐value crops. The objectives were to characterize the crop environment relevant for …
Algorithms for collision-free navigation of mobile robots in complex cluttered environments: a survey
We review a range of techniques related to navigation of unmanned vehicles through
unknown environments with obstacles, especially those that rigorously ensure collision …
unknown environments with obstacles, especially those that rigorously ensure collision …
Temporal-logic-based reactive mission and motion planning
This paper provides a framework to automatically generate a hybrid controller that
guarantees that the robot can achieve its task when a robot model, a class of admissible …
guarantees that the robot can achieve its task when a robot model, a class of admissible …
Decentralized control of multi-AGV systems in autonomous warehousing applications
In this paper, we present an algorithm for decentralized control of multiple automated guided
vehicles performing transportation tasks within industrial and warehousing environments. By …
vehicles performing transportation tasks within industrial and warehousing environments. By …
Multi-agent plan reconfiguration under local LTL specifications
We propose a cooperative motion and task planning scheme for multi-agent systems where
the agents have independently assigned local tasks, specified as linear temporal logic …
the agents have independently assigned local tasks, specified as linear temporal logic …
Simultaneous task allocation and planning for temporal logic goals in heterogeneous multi-robot systems
This paper describes a framework for automatically generating optimal action-level behavior
for a team of robots based on temporal logic mission specifications under resource …
for a team of robots based on temporal logic mission specifications under resource …
A smooth robustness measure of signal temporal logic for symbolic control
Recent years have seen an increasing use of Signal Temporal Logic (STL) as a formal
specification language for symbolic control, due to its expressiveness and closeness to …
specification language for symbolic control, due to its expressiveness and closeness to …