Clustering and community detection in directed networks: A survey
Networks (or graphs) appear as dominant structures in diverse domains, including
sociology, biology, neuroscience and computer science. In most of the aforementioned …
sociology, biology, neuroscience and computer science. In most of the aforementioned …
Anomaly detection in dynamic networks: a survey
Anomaly detection is an important problem with multiple applications, and thus has been
studied for decades in various research domains. In the past decade there has been a …
studied for decades in various research domains. In the past decade there has been a …
[CARTE][B] An introduction to outlier analysis
CC Aggarwal, CC Aggarwal - 2017 - Springer
Outliers are also referred to as abnormalities, discordants, deviants, or anomalies in the data
mining and statistics literature. In most applications, the data is created by one or more …
mining and statistics literature. In most applications, the data is created by one or more …
Graph vulnerability and robustness: A survey
The study of network robustness is a critical tool in the characterization and sense making of
complex interconnected systems such as infrastructure, communication and social networks …
complex interconnected systems such as infrastructure, communication and social networks …
Structural Robustness of Complex Networks: A Survey of A Posteriori Measures [Feature]
Network robustness is critical for various industrial and social networks against malicious
attacks, which has various meanings in different research contexts and here it refers to the …
attacks, which has various meanings in different research contexts and here it refers to the …
Evolutionary network analysis: A survey
Evolutionary network analysis has found an increasing interest in the literature because of
the importance of different kinds of dynamic social networks, email networks, biological …
the importance of different kinds of dynamic social networks, email networks, biological …
Mstream: Fast anomaly detection in multi-aspect streams
Given a stream of entries in a multi-aspect data setting ie, entries having multiple
dimensions, how can we detect anomalous activities in an unsupervised manner? For …
dimensions, how can we detect anomalous activities in an unsupervised manner? For …
Optimizing network robustness by edge rewiring: a general framework
Spectral measures have long been used to quantify the robustness of real-world graphs. For
example, spectral radius (or the principal eigenvalue) is related to the effective spreading …
example, spectral radius (or the principal eigenvalue) is related to the effective spreading …
Network robustness prediction: Influence of training data distributions
Network robustness refers to the ability of a network to continue its functioning against
malicious attacks, which is critical for various natural and industrial networks. Network …
malicious attacks, which is critical for various natural and industrial networks. Network …
Accelerating community detection by using k-core subgraphs
Community detection is expensive, and the cost generally depends at least linearly on the
number of vertices in the graph. We propose working with a reduced graph that has many …
number of vertices in the graph. We propose working with a reduced graph that has many …