Topology-driven parallel trajectory optimization in dynamic environments
Ground robots navigating in complex, dynamic environments must compute collision-free
trajectories to avoid obstacles safely and efficiently. Nonconvex optimization is a popular …
trajectories to avoid obstacles safely and efficiently. Nonconvex optimization is a popular …
Proactive emergency collision avoidance for automated driving in highway scenarios
Uncertainty in the behavior of other traffic participants is a crucial factor in collision
avoidance for automated driving; here, stochastic metrics could avoid overly conservative …
avoidance for automated driving; here, stochastic metrics could avoid overly conservative …
Equivariant deep learning of mixed-integer optimal control solutions for vehicle decision making and motion planning
Mixed-integer quadratic programs (MIQPs) are a versatile way of formulating vehicle
decision making (DM) and motion planning problems, where the prediction model is a …
decision making (DM) and motion planning problems, where the prediction model is a …
Multi-modal model predictive control through batch non-holonomic trajectory optimization: Application to highway driving
Standard Model Predictive Control (MPC) or trajectory optimization approaches perform only
a local search to solve a complex non-convex optimization problem. As a result, they cannot …
a local search to solve a complex non-convex optimization problem. As a result, they cannot …
Local trajectory planning for obstacle avoidance of unmanned tracked vehicles based on artificial potential field method
L Zhai, C Liu, X Zhang, C Wang - IEEE Access, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A trajectory planning method for local obstacle avoidance based on an improved artificial
potential field (APF) method is proposed, which is aimed at the problem for dual motor …
potential field (APF) method is proposed, which is aimed at the problem for dual motor …
Bilevel Multi-Armed Bandit-Based Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Interaction-Aware Self-Driving At Unsignalized Intersections
In this work, we present BiM-ACPPO, a bilevel multi-armed bandit-based hierarchical
reinforcement learning framework for interaction-aware decision-making and planning at …
reinforcement learning framework for interaction-aware decision-making and planning at …
Pilot: Efficient planning by imitation learning and optimisation for safe autonomous driving
Achieving a proper balance between planning quality, safety and efficiency is a major
challenge for autonomous driving. Optimisation-based motion planners are capable of …
challenge for autonomous driving. Optimisation-based motion planners are capable of …
Integrated behavior planning and motion control for autonomous vehicles with traffic rules compliance
In this article, we propose an optimization-based integrated behavior planning and motion
control scheme, which is an interpretable and adaptable urban autonomous driving solution …
control scheme, which is an interpretable and adaptable urban autonomous driving solution …
Online trajectory optimization for safe autonomous overtaking with active obstacle avoidance
Autonomous driving with active obstacle avoidance in dynamic urban environment has
attracted significant attention to improve road safety and traffic efficiency. In this paper, an …
attracted significant attention to improve road safety and traffic efficiency. In this paper, an …
Synergizing Decision Making and Trajectory Planning Using Two-Stage Optimization for Autonomous Vehicles
W Liu, H Liu, L Zheng, Z Huang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper introduces a local planner that synergizes the decision making and trajectory
planning modules towards autonomous driving. The decision making and trajectory …
planning modules towards autonomous driving. The decision making and trajectory …