Gamified crowdsourcing: Conceptualization, literature review, and future agenda
Two parallel phenomena are gaining attention in human–computer interaction research:
gamification and crowdsourcing. Because crowdsourcing's success depends on a mass of …
gamification and crowdsourcing. Because crowdsourcing's success depends on a mass of …
What we already know about corporate digital responsibility in IS research: A review and conceptualization of potential CDR activities
Advances in new technologies affect private and professional lives alike, posing new
opportunities and threats for companies, consumers, and society. In this context, the concept …
opportunities and threats for companies, consumers, and society. In this context, the concept …
[HTML][HTML] Crowdsourcing the creation of image segmentation algorithms for connectomics
To stimulate progress in automating the reconstruction of neural circuits, we organized the
first international challenge on 2D segmentation of electron microscopic (EM) images of the …
first international challenge on 2D segmentation of electron microscopic (EM) images of the …
Crowdsourcing new product ideas over time: An analysis of the Dell IdeaStorm community
BL Bayus - Management science, 2013 - pubsonline.informs.org
Several organizations have developed ongoing crowdsourcing communities that repeatedly
collect ideas for new products and services from a large, dispersed “crowd” of nonexperts …
collect ideas for new products and services from a large, dispersed “crowd” of nonexperts …
The boundaries of gamification for engaging customers: Effects of losing a contest in online co-creation communities
Despite the increasing use of gamification mechanics to engage customers in firms'
activities, the risks related to such use remain unclear. To address this knowledge gap, this …
activities, the risks related to such use remain unclear. To address this knowledge gap, this …
Design principles for sensemaking support systems in environmental sustainability transformations
This paper reports on the results of a design science research (DSR) study that develops
design principles for information systems (IS) that support organisational sensemaking in …
design principles for information systems (IS) that support organisational sensemaking in …
Why co‐creation experience matters? Creative experience and its impact on the quantity and quality of creative contributions
This article introduces 'virtual design competitions' as a new means of opening up the
innovation process and enriching the companies,'design‐ideas' by utilizing the creativity of a …
innovation process and enriching the companies,'design‐ideas' by utilizing the creativity of a …
User roles and contributions in innovation-contest communities
Organizations increasingly initiate Internet-based innovation-contest communities through
which individuals can interact and contribute to the innovation process. To successfully …
which individuals can interact and contribute to the innovation process. To successfully …
From social media to social product development: the impact of social media on co-creation of innovation
With its concept of linking theoretical claim with practical relevance in high-quality
contributions Die Unternehmung counts as one of the leading German journals in the field of …
contributions Die Unternehmung counts as one of the leading German journals in the field of …
The use of gamification mechanics to increase employee and user engagement in participative healthcare services: A study of two cases
Purpose Gamification introduces game-like properties into routine service processes to
make them more engaging for service employees and users alike. The purpose of this paper …
make them more engaging for service employees and users alike. The purpose of this paper …