Mobilising evidence, data, and resources to achieve global maternal and child undernutrition targets and the Sustainable Development Goals: an agenda for action
As the world counts down to the 2025 World Health Assembly nutrition targets and the 2030
Sustainable Development Goals, millions of women, children, and adolescents worldwide …
Sustainable Development Goals, millions of women, children, and adolescents worldwide …
Double-duty actions: seizing programme and policy opportunities to address malnutrition in all its forms
Actions to address different forms of malnutrition are typically managed by separate
communities, policies, programmes, governance structures, and funding streams. By …
communities, policies, programmes, governance structures, and funding streams. By …
[HTML][HTML] Perspective: what does stunting really mean? A critical review of the evidence
The past decade has seen an unprecedented increase in attention to undernutrition, and
drastically reducing child stunting has become a global development objective. The strong …
drastically reducing child stunting has become a global development objective. The strong …
Effects of water quality, sanitation, handwashing, and nutritional interventions on diarrhoea and child growth in rural Bangladesh: a cluster randomised controlled trial
Background Diarrhoea and growth faltering in early childhood are associated with
subsequent adverse outcomes. We aimed to assess whether water quality, sanitation, and …
subsequent adverse outcomes. We aimed to assess whether water quality, sanitation, and …
Animal sourced foods and child stunting
D Headey, K Hirvonen, J Hoddinott - 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Stunting affects 160 million pre‐school children globally with adverse life‐long
consequences. While work within nutritional science suggests that stunting in early …
consequences. While work within nutritional science suggests that stunting in early …
[ספר][B] Improving early childhood development: WHO guideline
World Health Organization - 2020 -
Enabling young children to achieve their full developmental potential is a human right and
an essential requisite for sustainable development. Given the critical importance of enabling …
an essential requisite for sustainable development. Given the critical importance of enabling …
Educational interventions for improving primary caregiver complementary feeding practices for children aged 24 months and under
Background Although complementary feeding is a universal practice, the methods and
manner in which it is practiced vary between cultures, individuals and socioeconomic …
manner in which it is practiced vary between cultures, individuals and socioeconomic …
Transfers, behavior change communication, and intimate partner violence: Postprogram evidence from rural Bangladesh
Transfer programs have been shown to reduce intimate partner violence (IPV), but little
evidence exists on how activities linked to transfers affect IPV or what happens when …
evidence exists on how activities linked to transfers affect IPV or what happens when …
[HTML][HTML] Behavior change interventions delivered through interpersonal communication, agricultural activities, community mobilization, and mass media increase …
Background Appropriate infant and young child feeding practices are critical for optimal child
growth and development, but in Ethiopia, complementary feeding (CF) practices are very …
growth and development, but in Ethiopia, complementary feeding (CF) practices are very …
Exposure to large-scale social and behavior change communication interventions is associated with improvements in infant and young child feeding practices in …
Optimal breastfeeding (BF) practices in Ethiopia are far below the government's targets, and
complementary feeding practices are poor. The Alive & Thrive initiative aimed to improve …
complementary feeding practices are poor. The Alive & Thrive initiative aimed to improve …