Task-based versus task-supported language instruction: An experimental study
This study investigated the effectiveness of task-based and task-supported instruction in the
acquisition of the English passive construction—a structure about which learners had limited …
acquisition of the English passive construction—a structure about which learners had limited …
[КНИГА][B] Reflections on task-based language teaching
R Ellis - 2018 - books.google.com
Task-based language teaching is now a well-established pedagogic approach but
problematic issues remain, such as whether it is appropriate for all learners and in all …
problematic issues remain, such as whether it is appropriate for all learners and in all …
New directions in the study of implicit and explicit learning: An introduction
It has been exactly 10 years since Studies in Second Language Acquisition published a
thematic issue on the topic of implicit and explicit second language (L2) learning, edited by …
thematic issue on the topic of implicit and explicit second language (L2) learning, edited by …
The interplay of individual differences and context of learning in behavioral and neurocognitive second language development
M Faretta-Stutenberg… - Second Language …, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
In order to understand variability in second language (L2) acquisition, this study addressed
how individual differences in cognitive abilities may contribute to development for learners in …
how individual differences in cognitive abilities may contribute to development for learners in …
Language learning in the adult brain: A neuroanatomical meta-analysis of lexical and grammatical learning
Abstract Language learning as an adult, though often difficult, is quite common.
Nevertheless, the neural substrates of this process remain unclear, even though identifying …
Nevertheless, the neural substrates of this process remain unclear, even though identifying …
Language training leads to global cognitive improvement in older adults: A preliminary study
Purpose We report a preliminary study that prospectively tests the potential cognitive
enhancing effect of foreign language (FL) learning in older adults with no clear signs of …
enhancing effect of foreign language (FL) learning in older adults with no clear signs of …
Variability in second language learning: The roles of individual differences, learning conditions, and linguistic complexity
KM Tagarelli, S Ruiz, JLM Vega… - Studies in Second …, 2016 - cambridge.org
Second language learning outcomes are highly variable, due to a variety of factors,
including individual differences, exposure conditions, and linguistic complexity. However …
including individual differences, exposure conditions, and linguistic complexity. However …
Declarative and procedural memory abilities as individual differences in incidental language learning
P Hamrick - Learning and Individual Differences, 2015 - Elsevier
This study investigated whether individual differences in declarative and procedural memory
abilities predicted the learning and retention of second language (L2) syntactic structures …
abilities predicted the learning and retention of second language (L2) syntactic structures …
Factors accounting for individual differences in second language neurocognition
Acquiring a second language (L2) as an adult is arguably a challenging and complex task,
often resulting in a high degree of variability in learning trajectories and outcomes. In the last …
often resulting in a high degree of variability in learning trajectories and outcomes. In the last …
Modality, presentation, domain and training effects in statistical learning
While several studies suggest that the nature and properties of the input have significant
effects on statistical learning, they have rarely been investigated systematically. In order to …
effects on statistical learning, they have rarely been investigated systematically. In order to …