Hand gesture recognition via enhanced densely connected convolutional neural network
Hand gesture recognition (HGR) serves as a fundamental way of communication and
interaction for human being. While HGR can be applied in human computer interaction (HCI) …
interaction for human being. While HGR can be applied in human computer interaction (HCI) …
Convolutional neural network with spatial pyramid pooling for hand gesture recognition
Hand gesture provides a means for human to interact through a series of gestures. While
hand gesture plays a significant role in human–computer interaction, it also breaks down the …
hand gesture plays a significant role in human–computer interaction, it also breaks down the …
SignQuiz: a quiz based tool for learning fingerspelled signs in indian sign language using ASLR
Sign Language is one of the media of communication for deaf people. One should learn sign
language to interact with them. Learning usually takes place in peer groups. There exist very …
language to interact with them. Learning usually takes place in peer groups. There exist very …
[PDF][PDF] Intelligent sign language recognition system for e-learning context
MJ Hussain, A Shaoor, SA Alsuhibany… - Comput. Mater …, 2022 - researchgate.net
In this research work, an efficient sign language recognition tool for e-learning has been
proposed with a new type of feature set based on angle and lines. This feature set has the …
proposed with a new type of feature set based on angle and lines. This feature set has the …
Mexican sign language segmentation using color based neuronal networks to detect the individual skin color
In recent years, the development of algorithms that assist in communicate with deaf people
is an important challenge. The development of automatic systems to translate sign language …
is an important challenge. The development of automatic systems to translate sign language …
[HTML][HTML] MLMSign: multi-lingual multi-modal illumination-invariant sign language recognition
Sign language (SL) serves as a visual communication tool bearing great significance for
deaf people to interact with others and facilitate their daily life. Wide varieties of SLs and the …
deaf people to interact with others and facilitate their daily life. Wide varieties of SLs and the …
[HTML][HTML] Visual static hand gesture recognition using convolutional neural network
A Eid, F Schwenker - Algorithms, 2023 - mdpi.com
Hand gestures are an essential part of human-to-human communication and interaction
and, therefore, of technical applications. The aim is increasingly to achieve interaction …
and, therefore, of technical applications. The aim is increasingly to achieve interaction …
From scarcity to understanding: transfer learning for the extremely low resource irish sign language
One of the most significant challenges to sign language recognition (SLR) today is the low
resource nature of sign language datasets, with many datasets being extremely low …
resource nature of sign language datasets, with many datasets being extremely low …
[PDF][PDF] Sign Language Fingerspelling Recognition using Synthetic Data.
Sign Language Recognition (SLR) is a Computer Vision (CV) and Machine Learning (ML)
task, with potential applications that would be beneficial to the Deaf community, which …
task, with potential applications that would be beneficial to the Deaf community, which …
Improving signer independent sign language recognition for low resource languages
The reliance of deep learning algorithms on large scale datasets represents a significant
challenge when learning from low resource sign language datasets. This challenge is …
challenge when learning from low resource sign language datasets. This challenge is …