Intrinsic robustness of the price of anarchy
T Roughgarden - Journal of the ACM (JACM), 2015 -
The price of anarchy, defined as the ratio of the worst-case objective function value of a
Nash equilibrium of a game and that of an optimal outcome, quantifies the inefficiency of …
Nash equilibrium of a game and that of an optimal outcome, quantifies the inefficiency of …
Competitive search
The Web is a canonical example of a competitive search setting that includes document
authors with ranking incentives: their goal is to promote their documents in rankings induced …
authors with ranking incentives: their goal is to promote their documents in rankings induced …
Correlation in extensive-form games: Saddle-point formulation and benchmarks
While Nash equilibrium in extensive-form games is well understood, very little is known
about the properties of extensive-form correlated equilibrium (EFCE), both from a behavioral …
about the properties of extensive-form correlated equilibrium (EFCE), both from a behavioral …
Coarse correlation in extensive-form games
Coarse correlation models strategic interactions of rational agents complemented by a
correlation device which is a mediator that can recommend behavior but not enforce it …
correlation device which is a mediator that can recommend behavior but not enforce it …
Team-maxmin equilibrium: efficiency bounds and algorithms
The Team-maxmin equilibrium prescribes the optimal strategies for a team of rational
players sharing the same goal and without the capability of correlating their strategies in …
players sharing the same goal and without the capability of correlating their strategies in …
Price of pareto optimality in hedonic games
Abstract The Price of Anarchy measures the welfare loss caused by selfish behavior: it is
defined as the ratio of the social welfare in a socially optimal outcome and in a worst Nash …
defined as the ratio of the social welfare in a socially optimal outcome and in a worst Nash …
Content provider dynamics and coordination in recommendation ecosystems
O Ben-Porat, I Rosenberg… - Advances in Neural …, 2020 -
Abstract Recommendation Systems like YouTube are vibrant ecosystems with two types of
users: Content consumers (those who watch videos) and content providers (those who …
users: Content consumers (those who watch videos) and content providers (those who …
A game theoretic analysis of the adversarial retrieval setting
The main goal of search engines is ad hoc retrieval: ranking documents in a corpus by their
relevance to the information need expressed by a query. The Probability Ranking Principle …
relevance to the information need expressed by a query. The Probability Ranking Principle …
[PDF][PDF] Defender (mis) coordination in security games
We study security games with multiple defenders. To achieve maximum security, defenders
must perfectly synchronize their randomized allocations of resources. However, in real-life …
must perfectly synchronize their randomized allocations of resources. However, in real-life …
Polynomial-time computation of optimal correlated equilibria in two-player extensive-form games with public chance moves and beyond
Unlike normal-form games, where correlated equilibria have been studied for more than 45
years, extensive-form correlation is still generally not well understood. Part of the reason for …
years, extensive-form correlation is still generally not well understood. Part of the reason for …