Guaranteed outlier removal for point cloud registration with correspondences
An established approach for 3D point cloud registration is to estimate the registration
function from 3D keypoint correspondences. Typically, a robust technique is required to …
function from 3D keypoint correspondences. Typically, a robust technique is required to …
Scalable 3D registration via truncated entry-wise absolute residuals
Given an input set of 3D point pairs the goal of outlier-robust 3D registration is to compute
some rotation and translation that align as many point pairs as possible. This is an important …
some rotation and translation that align as many point pairs as possible. This is an important …
SDRSAC: Semidefinite-based randomized approach for robust point cloud registration without correspondences
This paper presents a novel randomized algorithm for robust point cloud registration without
correspondences. Most existing registration approaches require a set of putative …
correspondences. Most existing registration approaches require a set of putative …
ROBIN: a graph-theoretic approach to reject outliers in robust estimation using invariants
Many estimation problems in robotics, computer vision, and learning require estimating
unknown quantities in the face of outliers. Outliers are typically the result of incorrect data …
unknown quantities in the face of outliers. Outliers are typically the result of incorrect data …
Estimation contracts for outlier-robust geometric perception
Outlier-robust estimation is a fundamental problem and has been extensively investigated
by statisticians and practitioners. The last few years have seen a convergence across …
by statisticians and practitioners. The last few years have seen a convergence across …
A hybrid quantum-classical algorithm for robust fitting
Fitting geometric models onto outlier contaminated data is provably intractable. Many
computer vision systems rely on random sampling heuristics to solve robust fitting, which do …
computer vision systems rely on random sampling heuristics to solve robust fitting, which do …
A quaternion-based certifiably optimal solution to the Wahba problem with outliers
The Wahba problem, also known as rotation search, seeks to find the best rotation to align
two sets of vector observations given putative correspondences, and is a fundamental …
two sets of vector observations given putative correspondences, and is a fundamental …
Efficient and robust point cloud registration via heuristics-guided parameter search
Estimating the rigid transformation with 6 degrees of freedom based on a putative 3D
correspondence set is a crucial procedure in point cloud registration. Existing …
correspondence set is a crucial procedure in point cloud registration. Existing …
Practical optimal registration of terrestrial LiDAR scan pairs
Point cloud registration is a fundamental problem in 3D scanning. In this paper, we address
the frequent special case of registering terrestrial LiDAR scans (or, more generally, levelled …
the frequent special case of registering terrestrial LiDAR scans (or, more generally, levelled …
[ספר][B] The maximum consensus problem: recent algorithmic advances
Outlier-contaminated data is a fact of life in computer vision. For computer vision
applications to perform reliably and accurately in practical settings, the processing of the …
applications to perform reliably and accurately in practical settings, the processing of the …