Renewing research on problemistic search—A review and research agenda
Problemistic search theory, with its roots in the Carnegie School tradition, describes a
behaviorally plausible process by which firms learn from performance feedback. A firm's …
behaviorally plausible process by which firms learn from performance feedback. A firm's …
A bibliometric review of the innovation adoption literature
JAWH Van Oorschot, E Hofman, JIM Halman - … Forecasting and Social …, 2018 - Elsevier
Innovation adoption is of utmost importance for company survival. That is why it is important
to develop a thorough understanding of this research domain and the themes it …
to develop a thorough understanding of this research domain and the themes it …
Managerial risk taking: A multitheoretical review and future research agenda
Managerial risk taking is a critical aspect of strategic management. To improve competitive
advantage and performance, managers need to take risks, often in an uncertain …
advantage and performance, managers need to take risks, often in an uncertain …
A behavioral theory of social performance: Social identity and stakeholder expectations
Firms use reference points to evaluate financial performance, frame gain or loss positions,
and guide strategic behavior. However, there is little theoretical underpinning to explain how …
and guide strategic behavior. However, there is little theoretical underpinning to explain how …
The behavioral theory of the firm: Assessment and prospects
The Behavioral Theory of the Firm has had an enormous influence on organizational theory,
strategic management, and neighboring fields of socio-scientific inquiry. Its central concepts …
strategic management, and neighboring fields of socio-scientific inquiry. Its central concepts …
Innovation, organizational capabilities, and the born-global firm
GA Knight, ST Cavusgil - Journal of international business studies, 2004 - Springer
We investigate born-global firms as early adopters of internationalization–that is, companies
that expand into foreign markets and exhibit international business prowess and superior …
that expand into foreign markets and exhibit international business prowess and superior …
Microfoundations of internal and external absorptive capacity routines
The 20 years following the introduction of the seminal construct of absorptive capacity (AC)
by Cohen and Levinthal (Cohen, WM, DA Levinthal. 1989. Innovation and learning: The two …
by Cohen and Levinthal (Cohen, WM, DA Levinthal. 1989. Innovation and learning: The two …
The sources of management innovation: When firms introduce new management practices
MJ Mol, J Birkinshaw - Journal of business research, 2009 - Elsevier
Management innovation is the introduction of management practices new to the firm and
intended to enhance firm performance. Building on the organizational reference group …
intended to enhance firm performance. Building on the organizational reference group …
Reconceptualizing imitation: Implications for dynamic capabilities, innovation, and competitive advantage
Strategic imitation occurs when a firm purposefully attempts to reproduce, in whole or in part,
other firms' products, processes, capabilities, technologies, structures, or decisions in its …
other firms' products, processes, capabilities, technologies, structures, or decisions in its …
Organizational aspirations, reference points, and goals: Building on the past and aiming for the future
GA Shinkle - Journal of management, 2012 - journals.sagepub.com
Three distinct frameworks have been advanced by scholars to analyze organizational
aspirations: behavioral theory, Ansoff's strategic management view, and strategic reference …
aspirations: behavioral theory, Ansoff's strategic management view, and strategic reference …