Fuel demand, carbon tax and electric vehicle adoption in India's road transport
To reduce oil import dependence and carbon emission from road transport, the study
estimates the demand for gasoline, high-speed diesel and electric vehicles (EV) in India …
estimates the demand for gasoline, high-speed diesel and electric vehicles (EV) in India …
Research on regional differences of China's new energy vehicles promotion policies: A perspective of sales volume forecasting
B Liu, C Song, Q Wang, X Zhang, J Chen - Energy, 2022 - Elsevier
After breaking through the technical bottleneck in the early stage of development, China's
NEVs (New Energy Vehicles) industry has ushered in breakthrough growth under the joint …
NEVs (New Energy Vehicles) industry has ushered in breakthrough growth under the joint …
Reactions of energy intensity, energy efficiency, and activity indexes to income and energy price changes: The panel data evidence from OECD countries
Energy has had an important effect on the economic growth process of the countries for
decades. Therefore, it has received attention from practitioners in the empirical literature of …
decades. Therefore, it has received attention from practitioners in the empirical literature of …
Is timing everything? Assessing the evidence on whether energy/electricity demand elasticities are time-varying
B Liddle - Energy Economics, 2023 - Elsevier
In this review we assess both the reasons/hypotheses for why GDP and price elasticities of
energy/electricity demand might change over time, and the evidence from papers that have …
energy/electricity demand might change over time, and the evidence from papers that have …
Evolving a policy framework discovering the dynamic association between determinants of oil consumption in India
By addressing the sustainable development goal (SDG) of cleaner and affordable energy,
develo** countries like India can navigate the growing environmental pollution. However …
develo** countries like India can navigate the growing environmental pollution. However …
Policies to reduce India's crude oil import dependence amidst clean energy transition
This study estimates the income, price, and cross-price elasticity of crude oil import demand
for India to assess whether policies adopted to reduce India's oil import dependence are on …
for India to assess whether policies adopted to reduce India's oil import dependence are on …
[HTML][HTML] Transition to a green economy, oil prices and the current account
In this paper we propose and develop the hypothesis that a transition to a green economy
influences the consumption-smoothing component of the current account. This is important …
influences the consumption-smoothing component of the current account. This is important …
What drives currency connectedness? Evidence from the BRICS currencies
With the rapid growth of the BRICS countries, their currencies have attracted wide attention.
This study examines the dynamic connectedness of BRICS currencies and identifies the …
This study examines the dynamic connectedness of BRICS currencies and identifies the …
Interdependence between the BRICS stock markets and the oil price since the onset of financial and economic crises
N Bouslama - Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 2023 - mdpi.com
In this paper, we use a copula to examine the relationship and dynamic dependence
structure between the crude oil market and the BRICS countries' stock indices expressed …
structure between the crude oil market and the BRICS countries' stock indices expressed …
[HTML][HTML] Is Oil Really a Stumbling Block to Environmental Sustainability? From the Price Perspective
The United States is exposed to the threats of massive carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions
generated by non-renewable energy in reaching environmental sustainability. With the …
generated by non-renewable energy in reaching environmental sustainability. With the …