Remote sensing of the terrestrial carbon cycle: A review of advances over 50 years
J ** in InSAR: A review
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry (InSAR) is primarily used in remote-sensing
applications and has created a new class of radar data that has significantly evolved during …
applications and has created a new class of radar data that has significantly evolved during …
[HTML][HTML] National tree species map** using Sentinel-1/2 time series and German National Forest Inventory data
Spatially explicit and detailed information on tree species composition is critical for forest
management, nature conservation and the assessment of forest ecosystem services. In …
management, nature conservation and the assessment of forest ecosystem services. In …
The GEM global active faults database
The GEM Global Active Faults Database (GAF-DB) is the first public, comprehensive
database of active faults with worldwide coverage. The GAF-DB is a compilation of many …
database of active faults with worldwide coverage. The GAF-DB is a compilation of many …
[HTML][HTML] Persistent scatterer interferometry: A review
Abstract Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) is a powerful remote sensing technique
able to measure and monitor displacements of the Earth's surface over time. Specifically, PSI …
able to measure and monitor displacements of the Earth's surface over time. Specifically, PSI …
An autonomous drone for search and rescue in forests using airborne optical sectioning
Autonomous drones will play an essential role in human-machine teaming in future search
and rescue (SAR) missions. We present a prototype that finds people fully autonomously in …
and rescue (SAR) missions. We present a prototype that finds people fully autonomously in …
A review of interferometric synthetic aperture RADAR (InSAR) multi-track approaches for the retrieval of Earth's surface displacements
Featured Application This review paper primarily aims to investigate the capabilities of the
recently proposed multiple-satellite/multiple-angle Interferometric Synthetic Aperture …
recently proposed multiple-satellite/multiple-angle Interferometric Synthetic Aperture …
[HTML][HTML] Remote sensing methods for power line corridor surveys
To secure uninterrupted distribution of electricity, effective monitoring and maintenance of
power lines are needed. This literature review article aims to give a wide overview of the …
power lines are needed. This literature review article aims to give a wide overview of the …
A tutorial on synthetic aperture radar
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) has been widely used for Earth remote sensing for more
than 30 years. It provides high-resolution, day-and-night and weather-independent images …
than 30 years. It provides high-resolution, day-and-night and weather-independent images …
Spaceborne, UAV and ground-based remote sensing techniques for landslide map**, monitoring and early warning
Background The current availability of advanced remote sensing technologies in the field of
landslide analysis allows for rapid and easily updatable data acquisitions, improving the …
landslide analysis allows for rapid and easily updatable data acquisitions, improving the …