The physics of sediment transport initiation, cessation, and entrainment across aeolian and fluvial environments
Predicting the morphodynamics of sedimentary landscapes due to fluvial and aeolian flows
requires answering the following questions: Is the flow strong enough to initiate sediment …
requires answering the following questions: Is the flow strong enough to initiate sediment …
Hydrodynamics of vegetated channels
This paper highlights some recent trends in vegetation hydrodynamics, focusing on
conditions within channels and spanning spatial scales from individual blades, to canopies …
conditions within channels and spanning spatial scales from individual blades, to canopies …
Recent advances in the dynamics of steep channels
This paper presents an overview of the recent geomorphological and hydraulic insights on
the dynamics of steep mountain streams, here defined as those channels with slope> 4–5 …
the dynamics of steep mountain streams, here defined as those channels with slope> 4–5 …
Is the critical Shields stress for incipient sediment motion dependent on channel‐bed slope?
Data from laboratory flumes and natural streams show that the critical Shields stress for
initial sediment motion increases with channel slope, which indicates that particles of the …
initial sediment motion increases with channel slope, which indicates that particles of the …
The role of impulse on the initiation of particle movement under turbulent flow conditions
Fundamental to our understanding of erosional and transport phenomena in earth-surface
dynamics and engineering is knowledge of the conditions under which sediment motion will …
dynamics and engineering is knowledge of the conditions under which sediment motion will …
Sorting out river channel patterns
Rivers self-organize their pattern/planform through feedbacks between bars, channels,
floodplain and vegetation, which emerge as a result of the basic spatial sorting process of …
floodplain and vegetation, which emerge as a result of the basic spatial sorting process of …
Static and dynamic angles of repose in loose granular materials under reduced gravity
Granular materials avalanche when a static angle of repose is exceeded and freeze at a
dynamic angle of repose. Such avalanches occur subaerially on steep hillslopes and wind …
dynamic angle of repose. Such avalanches occur subaerially on steep hillslopes and wind …
A turbulence‐based bed‐load transport model for bare and vegetated channels
Previous studies have shown that sediment transport models based on bed shear stress (τ)
are not accurate for regions with vegetation. The present study demonstrated that the …
are not accurate for regions with vegetation. The present study demonstrated that the …
Theoretical development on the effects of changing flow hydraulics on incipient bed load motion
Several decades of flume and field measurements have indicated that in rough turbulent
flows the critical Shields stress increases with increasing slope and associated decreasing …
flows the critical Shields stress increases with increasing slope and associated decreasing …
A microstructural approach to bed load transport: mean behaviour and fluctuations of particle transport rates
This paper concerns a model of bed load transport, which describes the advection and
dispersion of coarse particles carried by a turbulent water stream. The challenge is to …
dispersion of coarse particles carried by a turbulent water stream. The challenge is to …