Flexible membrane structures for wave energy harvesting: A review of the developments, materials and computational modelling approaches
In the last decade, there has been a growing trend towards flexible body wave energy
converters (WECs) enabled by rubber-like elastomeric composite membrane structures that …
converters (WECs) enabled by rubber-like elastomeric composite membrane structures that …
Immersed boundary methods for simulating fluid–structure interaction
Fluid–structure interaction (FSI) problems commonly encountered in engineering and
biological applications involve geometrically complex flexible or rigid bodies undergoing …
biological applications involve geometrically complex flexible or rigid bodies undergoing …
The cardiovascular system: mathematical modelling, numerical algorithms and clinical applications
Mathematical and numerical modelling of the cardiovascular system is a research topic that
has attracted remarkable interest from the mathematical community because of its intrinsic …
has attracted remarkable interest from the mathematical community because of its intrinsic …
[KNJIGA][B] Cardiovascular Mathematics: Modeling and simulation of the circulatory system
Cardiovascular diseases have a major impact in Western countries. Mathematical models
and numerical simulations can aid the understanding of physiological and pathological …
and numerical simulations can aid the understanding of physiological and pathological …
Fixed-point fluid–structure interaction solvers with dynamic relaxation
U Küttler, WA Wall - Computational mechanics, 2008 - Springer
A fixed-point fluid–structure interaction (FSI) solver with dynamic relaxation is revisited. New
developments and insights gained in recent years motivated us to present an FSI solver with …
developments and insights gained in recent years motivated us to present an FSI solver with …
Performance of a new partitioned procedure versus a monolithic procedure in fluid–structure interaction
Fluid–structure interaction (FSI) can be simulated in a monolithic way by solving the flow and
structural equations simultaneously and in a partitioned way with separate solvers for the …
structural equations simultaneously and in a partitioned way with separate solvers for the …
A coupled momentum method for modeling blood flow in three-dimensional deformable arteries
Blood velocity and pressure fields in large arteries are greatly influenced by the
deformability of the vessel. Moreover, wave propagation phenomena in the cardiovascular …
deformability of the vessel. Moreover, wave propagation phenomena in the cardiovascular …
[KNJIGA][B] Mathematical modelling of the human cardiovascular system: data, numerical approximation, clinical applications
Mathematical and numerical modelling of the human cardiovascular system has attracted
remarkable research interest due to its intrinsic mathematical difficulty and the increasing …
remarkable research interest due to its intrinsic mathematical difficulty and the increasing …
Geometric multiscale modeling of the cardiovascular system, between theory and practice
This review paper addresses the so called geometric multiscale approach for the numerical
simulation of blood flow problems, from its origin (that we can collocate in the second half …
simulation of blood flow problems, from its origin (that we can collocate in the second half …
Modelling of fluid–structure interactions with the space–time finite elements: solution techniques
The space–time fluid–structure interaction (FSI) techniques developed by the Team for
Advanced Flow Simulation and Modeling (T★ AFSM) have been applied to a wide range of …
Advanced Flow Simulation and Modeling (T★ AFSM) have been applied to a wide range of …