Magnitudes and timescales of total solar irradiance variability
G Kopp - Journal of space weather and space climate, 2016 - swsc-journal.org
The Sun's net radiative output varies on timescales of minutes to gigayears. Direct
measurements of the total solar irradiance (TSI) show changes in the spatially-and spectrally …
measurements of the total solar irradiance (TSI) show changes in the spatially-and spectrally …
The behaviour of galactic cosmic-ray intensity during solar activity cycle 24
E Ross, WJ Chaplin - Solar physics, 2019 - Springer
We have studied long-term variations of galactic cosmic-ray (GCR) intensity in relation to the
sunspot number (SSN) during the most recent solar cycles. This study analyses the time lag …
sunspot number (SSN) during the most recent solar cycles. This study analyses the time lag …
The global modulation of cosmic rays during a quiet heliosphere: A modeling perspective
MS Potgieter - Advances in Space Research, 2017 - Elsevier
A perspective is given of the solar modulation of galactic cosmic rays in the heliosphere
during the extraordinary quiet solar minimum period from 2006 to 2009. This is done in the …
during the extraordinary quiet solar minimum period from 2006 to 2009. This is done in the …
Can we properly model the neutron monitor count rate?
Neutron monitors provide continuous measurements of secondary nucleonic particles
produced in the atmosphere by the primary cosmic rays and form the main tool to study the …
produced in the atmosphere by the primary cosmic rays and form the main tool to study the …
Time and charge-sign dependence of the heliospheric modulation of cosmic rays
Simultaneous and continuous observations of galactic cosmic-ray electrons (e−) and
positrons (e+) from the PAMELA and AMS02 space experiments are most suitable for …
positrons (e+) from the PAMELA and AMS02 space experiments are most suitable for …
A study of heliospheric modulation and periodicities of galactic cosmic rays during cycle 24
P Chowdhury, K Kudela, YJ Moon - Solar Physics, 2016 - Springer
Galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) are energetic, charged particles coming from outside the solar
system. These particles encounter an outward-moving turbulent solar wind with cyclic …
system. These particles encounter an outward-moving turbulent solar wind with cyclic …
The effects of magnetic field modifications on the solar modulation of cosmic rays with a SDE-based model
JL Raath, MS Potgieter, RD Strauss, A Kopp - Advances in Space …, 2016 - Elsevier
A numerical model for the solar modulation of cosmic rays, based on the solution of a set of
stochastic differential equations (SDEs), is used to illustrate the effects of modifying the …
stochastic differential equations (SDEs), is used to illustrate the effects of modifying the …
Study of cosmic-ray modulation during the recent unusual minimum and mini-maximum of solar cycle 24
After a prolonged and deep solar minimum at the end of Cycle 23, the current Solar Cycle 24
is one of the lowest cycles. These two periods of deep minimum and mini-maximum are …
is one of the lowest cycles. These two periods of deep minimum and mini-maximum are …
Cosmic rays: bringing messages from the sky to the Earth's surface
AA Pacini - Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, 2017 - SciELO Brasil
All the evolution of the scientific knowledge about Cosmic Rays (CRs) in the 20 th century
leads to the following statement: Cosmic Rays constitutes a time and spatial variable flux of …
leads to the following statement: Cosmic Rays constitutes a time and spatial variable flux of …
Long-term modulation of cosmic-ray intensity and correlation analysis using solar and heliospheric parameters
VK Mishra, AP Mishra - Solar Physics, 2018 - Springer
Based on the monthly sunspot numbers (SSNs), the solar-flare index (SFI), grouped solar
flares (GSFs), the tilt angle of heliospheric current sheet (HCS), and cosmic-ray intensity …
flares (GSFs), the tilt angle of heliospheric current sheet (HCS), and cosmic-ray intensity …