A review of workplace spirituality: identifying present development and future research agenda
Purpose This study aims to identify the present development of workplace spirituality (WPS)
by synthesizing the findings from the WPS literature, identifying gaps and proposing a …
by synthesizing the findings from the WPS literature, identifying gaps and proposing a …
Effects of differences in national culture on auditors' judgments and decisions: A literature review of cross-cultural auditing studies from a judgment and decision …
Motivated by the growing cultural diversity of new hires in audit firms, this paper reviews the
literature on cross-cultural differences in auditors' judgment and decision making (JDM). The …
literature on cross-cultural differences in auditors' judgment and decision making (JDM). The …
Workplace spirituality and unethical pro-organizational behavior: The mediating effect of job satisfaction
S Zhang - Journal of Business Ethics, 2020 - Springer
This study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding about the mechanism that
underlies the detrimental effects of workplace spirituality (WPS) dimensions on employee …
underlies the detrimental effects of workplace spirituality (WPS) dimensions on employee …
Does employees' spirituality enhance job performance? The mediating roles of intrinsic motivation and job crafting
TW Moon, N Youn, WM Hur, KM Kim - Current Psychology, 2020 - Springer
This study aims to examine how employees' spirituality influences their job performance and
its mediated link through intrinsic motivation and job crafting. Working with a sample of 306 …
its mediated link through intrinsic motivation and job crafting. Working with a sample of 306 …
Can employee engagement be attained through psychological detachment and job crafting: the mediating role of spirituality and intrinsic motivation
NS Nehra - Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and …, 2023 - emerald.com
Purpose The present study is to develop an additional perspective on when and why
psychological detachment and job crafting behaviors in predicting employee engagement …
psychological detachment and job crafting behaviors in predicting employee engagement …
To sin in secret is no sin at all: On the linkage of policy, society, culture, and firm characteristics with corporate scandals
Using industry-based ratings which aggregate the scandals of a firm on a yearly basis for
5,700 companies from 44 countries, and a hybrid panel data model which allows us to …
5,700 companies from 44 countries, and a hybrid panel data model which allows us to …
The dark side of buyer power: Supplier exploitation and the role of ethical climates
Media increasingly accuse firms of exploiting suppliers, and these allegations often result in
lurid headlines that threaten the reputations and therefore business successes of these …
lurid headlines that threaten the reputations and therefore business successes of these …
New conceptual foundations for Islamic business ethics: The contributions of Abu-Hamid Al-Ghazali
The dominant approach to understanding Islamic Business Ethics (IBE) has been based
almost exclusively on either interpretations of the Qur'an and Sunna or influenced by …
almost exclusively on either interpretations of the Qur'an and Sunna or influenced by …
To green or not to green: The influence of board characteristics on carbon emissions
We analyze how board characteristics affect a company's carbon emissions besides further
firm-related and cultural variables, using data on over 6,000 companies located in 46 …
firm-related and cultural variables, using data on over 6,000 companies located in 46 …
[HTML][HTML] Crowd-out effect on consumers attitude towards corporate social responsibility communication
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is assumed to function better in open societies and
competitive markets where market forces drive communication and voluntary adoption of self …
competitive markets where market forces drive communication and voluntary adoption of self …