[HTML][HTML] Strong coupling-induced frequency shifts of highly detuned photonic modes in multimode cavities

PA Thomas, WL Barnes - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
Strong coupling between light and molecules is a fascinating topic exploring the implications
of the hybridization of photonic and molecular states. For example, many recent experiments …

Direct Evidence of Ultrafast Energy Delocalization Between Optically Hybridized J‐Aggregates in a Strongly Coupled Microcavity

M Russo, K Georgiou, A Genco… - Advanced Optical …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Strong coupling between light and matter in a microcavity can produce quasi‐particle states
termed cavity‐polaritons. In cavity architectures containing more than one excitonic species …

Strong coupling in mechanically flexible free-standing organic membranes

K Georgiou, M Athanasiou, R Jayaprakash… - The Journal of …, 2023 - pubs.aip.org
Strong coupling of a confined optical field to the excitonic or vibronic transitions of a
molecular material results in the formation of new hybrid states called polaritons. Such …

FMO-LC-TDDFTB method for excited states of large molecular assemblies in the strong light-matter coupling regime

R Einsele, LN Philipp, R Mitrić - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
We present a new methodology to calculate the strong light-matter coupling between
photonic modes in microcavities and large molecular aggregates that consist of hundreds of …

Multiple interacting photonic modes in strongly coupled organic microcavities

F Herrera, WL Barnes - Philosophical Transactions A, 2024 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Room-temperature cavity quantum electrodynamics with molecular materials in optical
cavities offers exciting prospects for controlling electronic, nuclear and photonic degrees of …