[HTML][HTML] Vulnerable road user safety using mobile phones with vehicle-to-vru communication
Pedestrians, bicyclists, and scooterists are Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs) in traffic
accidents. The number of fatalities and injuries in traffic accidents involving vulnerable road …
accidents. The number of fatalities and injuries in traffic accidents involving vulnerable road …
Concept, implementation, and performance comparison of a particle filter for accurate vehicle localization using road profile data
A precise knowledge of the road profile ahead of the vehicle is required to successfully
engage a proactive suspension control system. If this profile information is generated by …
engage a proactive suspension control system. If this profile information is generated by …
Pre-deployment testing of low speed, Urban Road Autonomous Driving in a Simulated Environment
Low speed autonomous shuttles emulating SAE Level L4 automated driving using human
driver assisted autonomy have been operating in geo-fenced areas in several cities in the …
driver assisted autonomy have been operating in geo-fenced areas in several cities in the …
The effects of varying penetration rates of l4-l5 autonomous vehicles on fuel efficiency and mobility of traffic networks
Microscopic traffic simulators that simulate realistic traffic flow are crucial in studying,
understanding and evaluating the fuel usage and mobility effects of having a higher number …
understanding and evaluating the fuel usage and mobility effects of having a higher number …
Customized co-simulation environment for autonomous driving algorithm development and evaluation
Increasing the implemented SAE level of autonomy in road vehicles requires extensive
simulations and verifications in a realistic simulation environment before proving ground and …
simulations and verifications in a realistic simulation environment before proving ground and …
Vehicle-in-Virtual-Environment Method for ADAS and Connected and Automated Driving Function Development/Demonstration/Evaluation
The current approach for new Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) and Connected
and Automated Driving (CAD) function development involves a significant amount of public …
and Automated Driving (CAD) function development involves a significant amount of public …
A review of autonomous road vehicle integrated approaches to an emergency obstacle avoidance maneuver
As passenger vehicle technologies have advanced, so have their capabilities to avoid
obstacles, especially with developments in tires, suspensions, steering, as well as safety …
obstacles, especially with developments in tires, suspensions, steering, as well as safety …
Cooperative collision avoidance in a connected vehicle environment
Connected vehicle (CV) technology is among the most heavily researched areas in both the
academia and industry. The vehicle to vehicle (V2V), vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) and …
academia and industry. The vehicle to vehicle (V2V), vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) and …
Decision making for autonomous vehicles
This paper is on decision making of autonomous vehicles for handling roundabouts. The
round intersection is introduced first followed by the Markov Decision Processes (MDP), the …
round intersection is introduced first followed by the Markov Decision Processes (MDP), the …
Impact of different desired velocity profiles and controller gains on convoy driveability of cooperative adaptive cruise control operated platoons
As the development of autonomous vehicles rapidly advances, the use of
convoying/platooning becomes a more widely explored technology option for saving fuel …
convoying/platooning becomes a more widely explored technology option for saving fuel …