[HTML][HTML] Decommissioning of commercial nuclear power plants: Insights from a multiple-case study
The decommissioning of nuclear power plants is a complex and lengthy process. But so far,
of the 204 already closed reactors, only eleven with more than 100 MW of electrical capacity …
of the 204 already closed reactors, only eleven with more than 100 MW of electrical capacity …
Map** global research on sustainability of megaproject management: A scientometric review
Megaprojects are booming worldwide, and are having a significant impact on social and
economic developments (eg, immigrant settlement, poverty eradication, and public health) …
economic developments (eg, immigrant settlement, poverty eradication, and public health) …
[HTML][HTML] An exploratory study based on a questionnaire concerning green and sustainable finance, corporate social responsibility, and performance: Evidence from …
Green and sustainable finance, corporate social responsibility and financial and non-
financial performance are attracting widespread interest due to the challenging times that …
financial performance are attracting widespread interest due to the challenging times that …
Fuzzy TOPSIS-based risk assessment model for effective nuclear decommissioning risk management
The dynamics of the nuclear decommissioning project warrant a critical study of the inherent
risks and uncertainties. Previous works have identified several nuclear decommissioning …
risks and uncertainties. Previous works have identified several nuclear decommissioning …
[HTML][HTML] Broadening project studies to address sustainability transitions: Conceptual suggestions and crossovers with socio-technical transitions research
Academic and socio-political interest in sustainability transitions, which are decades-long
change processes in socio-technical systems, is rapidly increasing. To further engage with …
change processes in socio-technical systems, is rapidly increasing. To further engage with …
[HTML][HTML] Develo** policies for the end-of-life of energy infrastructure: Coming to terms with the challenges of decommissioning
Energy sector policies have focused historically on the planning, design and construction of
energy infrastructures, while typically overlooking the processes required for the …
energy infrastructures, while typically overlooking the processes required for the …
What about the people? Micro-foundations of open innovation in megaprojects
Megaprojects require substantial R&D activities involving many different organisations.
Megaprojects are therefore an ideal setting for Open Innovation (OI), which favours risk …
Megaprojects are therefore an ideal setting for Open Innovation (OI), which favours risk …
Exploring the impact of megaproject environmental responsibility on organizational citizenship behaviors for the environment: A social identity perspective
The importance of organizational citizenship behaviors for the environment (OCBEs) has
been clearly established in the environmental literature. However, the OCBEs construct has …
been clearly established in the environmental literature. However, the OCBEs construct has …
Cost–benefit analysis of coal plant repurposing in develo** countries: A case study of India
In the context of climate change, develo** countries with sizeable coal capacities; such as
South Africa, Chile and India; are exploring coal plants retirements by repurposing them for …
South Africa, Chile and India; are exploring coal plants retirements by repurposing them for …
The successful delivery of megaprojects: a novel research method
Megaprojects are often associated with poor delivery performance and poor benefits
realization. This article provides a method of identifying, in a quantitative and rigorous …
realization. This article provides a method of identifying, in a quantitative and rigorous …