How critical is brain criticality?
Criticality is the singular state of complex systems poised at the brink of a phase transition
between order and randomness. Such systems display remarkable information-processing …
between order and randomness. Such systems display remarkable information-processing …
Replay, the default mode network and the cascaded memory systems model
The spontaneous replay of patterns of activity related to past experiences and memories is a
striking feature of brain activity, as is the coherent activation of sets of brain areas …
striking feature of brain activity, as is the coherent activation of sets of brain areas …
Colloquium: Criticality and dynamical scaling in living systems
MA Munoz - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2018 - APS
A celebrated and controversial hypothesis suggests that some biological systems—parts,
aspects, or groups of them—may extract important functional benefits from operating at the …
aspects, or groups of them—may extract important functional benefits from operating at the …
The entropic brain-revisited
RL Carhart-Harris - Neuropharmacology, 2018 - Elsevier
The entropic brain hypothesis proposes that within upper and lower limits, after which
consciousness may be lost, the entropy of spontaneous brain activity indexes the …
consciousness may be lost, the entropy of spontaneous brain activity indexes the …
Criticality in the brain: A synthesis of neurobiology, models and cognition
Cognitive function requires the coordination of neural activity across many scales, from
neurons and circuits to large-scale networks. As such, it is unlikely that an explanatory …
neurons and circuits to large-scale networks. As such, it is unlikely that an explanatory …
Small-world human brain networks: perspectives and challenges
Modelling the human brain as a complex network has provided a powerful mathematical
framework to characterize the structural and functional architectures of the brain. In the past …
framework to characterize the structural and functional architectures of the brain. In the past …
Computational network biology: data, models, and applications
Biological entities are involved in intricate and complex interactions, in which uncovering the
biological information from the network concepts are of great significance. Benefiting from …
biological information from the network concepts are of great significance. Benefiting from …
Why brain criticality is clinically relevant: a sco** review
V Zimmern - Frontiers in neural circuits, 2020 - frontiersin.org
The past 25 years have seen a strong increase in the number of publications related to
criticality in different areas of neuroscience. The potential of criticality to explain various …
criticality in different areas of neuroscience. The potential of criticality to explain various …
[HTML][HTML] Functional connectivity dynamics: modeling the switching behavior of the resting state
Functional connectivity (FC) sheds light on the interactions between different brain regions.
Besides basic research, it is clinically relevant for applications in Alzheimer's disease …
Besides basic research, it is clinically relevant for applications in Alzheimer's disease …
'Hierarchy'in the organization of brain networks
CC Hilgetag, A Goulas - Philosophical Transactions of …, 2020 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Concepts shape the interpretation of facts. One of the most popular concepts in systems
neuroscience is that of 'hierarchy'. However, this concept has been interpreted in many …
neuroscience is that of 'hierarchy'. However, this concept has been interpreted in many …