Efficacy and safety of endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty and laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy with 12+ months of adjuvant multidisciplinary support

P Carr, T Keighley, P Petocz, M Blumfield, GG Rich… - BMC Primary …, 2022 - Springer
Background The laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) and the incisionless endoscopic
sleeve gastroplasty (ESG) weight loss procedures require further investigation of their …

Acceptability, adherence, safety and experiences of low energy diets in people with obesity and chronic kidney disease: a mixed methods study

M Conley, HL Mayr, M Hoch, DW Johnson… - Journal of Renal …, 2024 - Elsevier
Objectives Obesity is a modifiable risk factor for chronic kidney disease (CKD) progression.
Low energy diets (LEDs) have not been adequately studied in people with CKD. This study …

Navigating challenges and adherence in time‐restricted eating: A qualitative study

HS Rathomi, N Mavaddat… - Nutrition & …, 2025 - Wiley Online Library
Aims Adherence to any dietary approach is crucial for achieving long‐term benefits. This
qualitative study aims to explore the facilitators and barriers to adherence, and how …

Very‐low‐calorie diet‐based intensive lifestyle intervention for remission of type 2 diabetes: Real‐world experience in a South Asian population

HA Dissanayake, DR Fernando, AI Nilaweera… - Diabetic …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Aims Very low‐calorie diet (VLCD) can induce weight loss and diabetes remission (DR)
amongst people with obesity and recent‐onset type 2 diabetes (T2D). We aimed to …

Real world evidence on the characteristics of regular and intermittent users of a very‐low calorie diet program and associations with measures of program success …

P Jones, M Blumfield, E Beckett… - Obesity Science & …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Background Very low‐calorie diet (VLCD) programs are readily available in Australia.
However, there is a lack of real‐world evidence describing the characteristics related to …

Advances in assessing dietary intake: Lessons from technology and nutritional epidemiology

LT Williams - Nutrition & Dietetics, 2021 - research-repository.griffith.edu.au
The food we eat affects our health. This premise is at the very core of nutrition science and
dietetic practice. To advance science and practice in nutrition and dietetics, it is imperative to …

Supporting adolescents with dietary change for weight management: exploring perspectives of specialist services

S Lang - 2022 - bridges.monash.edu
Adolescents (10–19 years) with obesity and associated comorbidities are referred to
hospital weight management services for specialist input from multidisciplinary teams. This …


SDC Aarhus - kost.dk
Baggrund Forekomsten af svær overvægt er stigende, og 18, 5% af danske voksne lever
med svær overvægt og øget risiko for at udvikle følgesygdomme som f. eks. type 2-diabetes …

[PDF][PDF] Streszczenie/Abstract

M SZOT, F TYRAŁA, B FRĄCZEK - Promocja zdrowia i ekologia - pzie.kwspz.pl
Metody. Przeglądu literatury dokonano z zastosowaniem baz danych: EBSCO Discovery,
Web of Science oraz Google Scholar, używając określonych słów kluczowych w języku …