Artificial intelligence for proteomics and biomarker discovery
There is an avalanche of biomedical data generation and a parallel expansion in
computational capabilities to analyze and make sense of these data. Starting with genome …
computational capabilities to analyze and make sense of these data. Starting with genome …
Graph representation learning in biomedicine and healthcare
Networks—or graphs—are universal descriptors of systems of interacting elements. In
biomedicine and healthcare, they can represent, for example, molecular interactions …
biomedicine and healthcare, they can represent, for example, molecular interactions …
Semantic similarity and machine learning with ontologies
Ontologies have long been employed in the life sciences to formally represent and reason
over domain knowledge and they are employed in almost every major biological database …
over domain knowledge and they are employed in almost every major biological database …
Democratizing knowledge representation with BioCypher
Biomedical data are amassed at an ever-increasing rate, and machine learning tools that
use prior knowledge in combination with biomedical big data are gaining much traction 1, 2 …
use prior knowledge in combination with biomedical big data are gaining much traction 1, 2 …
A review of biomedical datasets relating to drug discovery: a knowledge graph perspective
Drug discovery and development is a complex and costly process. Machine learning
approaches are being investigated to help improve the effectiveness and speed of multiple …
approaches are being investigated to help improve the effectiveness and speed of multiple …
Knowledge engineering using large language models
A survey of unmanned aerial vehicle flight data anomaly detection: Technologies, applications, and future directions
Flight data anomaly detection plays an imperative role in the safety and maintenance of
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). It has attracted extensive attention from researchers …
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). It has attracted extensive attention from researchers …