[HTML][HTML] Recent advances in adsorptive nanocomposite membranes for heavy metals ion removal from contaminated water: a comprehensive review
Water contamination is one of the most urgent concerns confronting the world today. Heavy
metal poisoning of aquatic systems has piqued the interest of various researchers due to the …
metal poisoning of aquatic systems has piqued the interest of various researchers due to the …
Heavy metal adsorption using magnetic nanoparticles for water purification: A critical review
Research on contamination of groundwater and drinking water is of major importance. Due
to the rapid and significant progress in the last decade in nanotechnology and its potential …
to the rapid and significant progress in the last decade in nanotechnology and its potential …
Biocompatible Fe3O4@ SiO2-NH2 nanocomposite as a green nanofiller embedded in PES–nanofiltration membrane matrix for salts, heavy metal ion and dye removal …
Abstract High purity amorphous silica (95.55%) was simply extracted from rice husk and
used as a shell for Fe 3 O 4 magnetic nanoparticles. The obtained eco–friendly …
used as a shell for Fe 3 O 4 magnetic nanoparticles. The obtained eco–friendly …
[HTML][HTML] Recent progress on nanomaterial-based membranes for water treatment
Nanomaterials have emerged as the new future generation materials for high-performance
water treatment membranes with potential for solving the worldwide water pollution issue …
water treatment membranes with potential for solving the worldwide water pollution issue …
[HTML][HTML] New hybrid adsorbent based on APTES functionalized zeolite W for lead and cadmium ions removal: experimental and theoretical studies
Water pollution remains a primary worldwide concern, requiring various treatment
technologies for efficient and effective remediation. In recent years, zeolites have gained …
technologies for efficient and effective remediation. In recent years, zeolites have gained …
Polymer-based nanocomposite membranes for industrial wastewater treatment: a review
The demand for freshwater consumption has outpaced the rapid population growth,
urbanization, and industrialization. Polymer nanocomposite plays an effective role in …
urbanization, and industrialization. Polymer nanocomposite plays an effective role in …
Recent advances in magnetite nanoparticle functionalization for nanomedicine
Functionalization of nanomaterials can enhance and modulate their properties and
behaviour, enabling characteristics suitable for medical applications. Magnetite (Fe3O4) …
behaviour, enabling characteristics suitable for medical applications. Magnetite (Fe3O4) …
Synthesis, surface modification, and applications of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles
W Ling, M Wang, C **ong, D **e, Q Chen… - Journal of Materials …, 2019 - cambridge.org
Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (MIONPs) are particularly attractive in biosensor,
antibacterial activity, targeted drug delivery, cell separation, magnetic resonance imaging …
antibacterial activity, targeted drug delivery, cell separation, magnetic resonance imaging …
High–performance nanofiltration membrane blended by Fe3O4@ SiO2–CS bionanocomposite for efficient simultaneous rejection of salts/heavy metals ions/dyes with …
A high–performance nanofiltration (NF) membrane was fabricated by blending Fe 3 O 4@
SiO 2–CS biocompatible and green bionanocomposite, which was synthesized by a core …
SiO 2–CS biocompatible and green bionanocomposite, which was synthesized by a core …
Novel photocatalytic polyether sulphone ultrafiltration (UF) membrane reinforced with oxygen-deficient Tungsten Oxide (WO2. 89) for Congo red dye removal
RR Abdullah, KM Shabeed, AB Alzubaydi… - … research and design, 2022 - Elsevier
Merging the photocatalytic activity of nanomaterials with membrane technology is an
auspicious approach towards diminishing membrane fouling consequences. Herein, 0.1–2 …
auspicious approach towards diminishing membrane fouling consequences. Herein, 0.1–2 …