Integrating machine learning and multiscale modeling—perspectives, challenges, and opportunities in the biological, biomedical, and behavioral sciences
Fueled by breakthrough technology developments, the biological, biomedical, and
behavioral sciences are now collecting more data than ever before. There is a critical need …
behavioral sciences are now collecting more data than ever before. There is a critical need …
Towards personalized computational oncology: from spatial models of tumour spheroids, to organoids, to tissues
A main goal of mathematical and computational oncology is to develop quantitative tools to
determine the most effective therapies for each individual patient. This involves predicting …
determine the most effective therapies for each individual patient. This involves predicting …
Computer simulations suggest that prostate enlargement due to benign prostatic hyperplasia mechanically impedes prostate cancer growth
Prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia are common genitourinary diseases in
aging men. Both pathologies may coexist and share numerous similarities, which have …
aging men. Both pathologies may coexist and share numerous similarities, which have …
TGM-Nets: A deep learning framework for enhanced forecasting of tumor growth by integrating imaging and modeling
Prediction and uncertainty quantification of tumor progression are vital in clinical practice, ie,
disease prognosis and decision-making on treatment strategies. In this work, we propose …
disease prognosis and decision-making on treatment strategies. In this work, we propose …
Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging and tumor forecasting of breast cancer patients in the community setting
This protocol describes a complete data acquisition, analysis and computational forecasting
pipeline for employing quantitative MRI data to predict the response of locally advanced …
pipeline for employing quantitative MRI data to predict the response of locally advanced …
Computational modelling of drug delivery to solid tumour: Understanding the interplay between chemotherapeutics and biological system for optimised delivery …
Drug delivery to solid tumour involves multiple physiological, biochemical and biophysical
processes taking place across a wide range of length and time scales. The therapeutic …
processes taking place across a wide range of length and time scales. The therapeutic …
Modeling neuron growth using isogeometric collocation based phase field method
We present a new computational framework of neuron growth based on the phase field
method and develop an open-source software package called “ …
method and develop an open-source software package called “ …
An isogeometric analysis-based topology optimization framework for 2D cross-flow heat exchangers with manufacturability constraints
Heat exchangers (HXs) have gained increasing attention due to the intensive demand of
performance improving and energy saving for various equipment and machines. As a …
performance improving and energy saving for various equipment and machines. As a …
Optimal control of cytotoxic and antiangiogenic therapies on prostate cancer growth
Prostate cancer can be lethal in advanced stages, for which chemotherapy may become the
only viable therapeutic option. While there is no clear clinical management strategy fitting all …
only viable therapeutic option. While there is no clear clinical management strategy fitting all …
Integrated biophysical modeling and image analysis: application to neuro-oncology
Central nervous system (CNS) tumors come with vastly heterogeneous histologic,
molecular, and radiographic landscapes, rendering their precise characterization …
molecular, and radiographic landscapes, rendering their precise characterization …