Emotion and decision making

JS Lerner, Y Li, P Valdesolo… - Annual review of …, 2015 - annualreviews.org
A revolution in the science of emotion has emerged in recent decades, with the potential to
create a paradigm shift in decision theories. The research reveals that emotions constitute …

Culture–gene coevolution, norm-psychology and the emergence of human prosociality

M Chudek, J Henrich - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2011 - cell.com
Diverse lines of theoretical and empirical research are converging on the notion that human
evolution has been substantially influenced by the interaction of our cultural and genetic …

Emotional roots of right-wing political populism

M Salmela, C Von Scheve - Social Science Information, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
The rise of the radical populist right has been linked to fundamental socioeconomic changes
fueled by globalization and economic deregulation. Yet, socioeconomic factors can hardly …

[Књига][B] The construction of the self: Developmental and sociocultural foundations

S Harter - 2015 - books.google.com
An important work from a leading scholar, this book explores self-development from early
childhood to adulthood. Susan Harter traces the normative stages that define the emergence …

Shame closely tracks the threat of devaluation by others, even across cultures

D Sznycer, J Tooby, L Cosmides, R Porat… - Proceedings of the …, 2016 - pnas.org
We test the theory that shame evolved as a defense against being devalued by others. By
hypothesis, shame is a neurocomputational program tailored by selection to orchestrate …

A new measure to assess external and internal shame: Development, factor structure and psychometric properties of the external and internal shame scale

C Ferreira, M Moura-Ramos, M Matos, A Galhardo - Current Psychology, 2022 - Springer
Shame plays a central role in psychosocial functioning, being a transdiagnostic emotion
associated with several mental health conditions. According to the evolutionary …

A dark side of happiness? How, when, and why happiness is not always good

J Gruber, IB Mauss, M Tamir - Perspectives on psychological …, 2011 - journals.sagepub.com
Happiness is generally considered a source of good outcomes. Research has highlighted
the ways in which happiness facilitates the pursuit of important goals, contributes to vital …

Forms and functions of the self-conscious emotions

D Sznycer - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2019 - cell.com
Pride, shame, and guilt color our highest and lowest personal moments. Recent evidence
suggests that these self-conscious emotions are neurocognitive adaptations crafted by …

Reconsidering the differences between shame and guilt

M Miceli, C Castelfranchi - Europe's journal of psychology, 2018 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Although most researchers maintain that shame and guilt are distinct emotions, the debate
on their differences is still open. We aim to show that some of the current distinctions …

[PDF][PDF] Self-conscious emotions

JL Tracy, RW Robins, JP Tangney - Theory and research, 2007 - rpforschools.net
In Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman, Miller's protagonist Willy Loman experiences such
profound shame from failing to achieve the American dream that he commits suicide by the …