Refractiveindex. info database of optical constants

MN Polyanskiy - Scientific Data, 2024 -
We introduce the refractiveindex. info database, a comprehensive open-source repository
containing optical constants for a wide array of materials, and describe in detail the …

Quasi 2D colloidal CdSe platelets with thicknesses controlled at the atomic level

S Ithurria, B Dubertret - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008 - ACS Publications
Well documented procedures to grow zero-dimensional systems, dots, and one-dimensional
systems, wires and tubes, as colloidal particles in solution have been reported. In contrast …

High Temperature Ferromagnetism with a Giant Magnetic Moment <?format ?>in Transparent Co-doped

SB Ogale, RJ Choudhary, JP Buban, SE Lofland… - Physical Review Letters, 2003 - APS
The occurrence of room temperature ferromagnetism is demonstrated in pulsed laser
deposited thin films of S n 1-x C ox O 2-δ (x< 0.3). Interestingly, films of S n 0.95 C o 0.05 O 2 …

Elastic, electronic, and lattice dynamical properties of CdS, CdSe, and CdTe

E Deligoz, K Colakoglu, Y Ciftci - Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2006 - Elsevier
Ab initio calculations, based on norm-conserving pseudopotentials and density functional
theory, have been performed to investigate elastic, electronic and lattice dynamical …

Type-II CdSe/CdTe core/crown semiconductor nanoplatelets

S Pedetti, S Ithurria, H Heuclin… - Journal of the …, 2014 - ACS Publications
We have synthesized atomically flat CdSe/CdTe core/crown nanoplatelets (NPLs) with
thicknesses of 3, 4, and 5 monolayers with fine control of the crown lateral dimensions. In …

Determination of dielectric functions and exciton oscillator strength of two-dimensional hybrid perovskites

B Song, J Hou, H Wang, S Sidhik, J Miao… - ACS Materials …, 2020 - ACS Publications
Two-dimensional (2D) hybrid organic inorganic perovskite (HOIP) semiconductors have
attracted widespread attention as a platform of next-generation optoelectronic devices …

Tight-binding calculations of image-charge effects in colloidal nanoscale platelets of CdSe

R Benchamekh, NA Gippius, J Even, MO Nestoklon… - Physical Review B, 2014 - APS
CdSe nanoplatelets show perfectly quantized thicknesses of a few monolayers. They
present a situation of extreme, yet well defined quantum confinement. Due to a large …

Optical properties of cubic and hexagonal CdSe

S Ninomiya, S Adachi - Journal of Applied Physics, 1995 -
The complex dielectric function, ε (E)= ε1 (E)+ i ε2 (E), of hexagonal CdSe has been
measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry in the photon‐energy range between 1.2 and 5.3 …

Linear absorption in CdSe nanoplates: thickness and lateral size dependency of the intrinsic absorption

AW Achtstein, A Antanovich, A Prudnikau… - The Journal of …, 2015 - ACS Publications
We investigate the optical absorption properties of colloidal CdSe nanoplatelets and
compare them to CdSe quantum dots. Starting from inductively coupled plasma–atomic …

Spin-orbit splittings and energy band gaps calculated with the Heyd-Scuseria-Ernzerhof screened hybrid functional

JE Peralta, J Heyd, GE Scuseria, RL Martin - Physical Review B—Condensed …, 2006 - APS
We assess the Heyd-Scuseria-Ernzerhof (HSE) screened Coulomb hybrid density functional
for the calculation of spin-orbit (SO) splittings and energy band gaps. We have employed a …