The extended Moral Foundations Dictionary (eMFD): Development and applications of a crowd-sourced approach to extracting moral intuitions from text
Moral intuitions are a central motivator in human behavior. Recent work highlights the
importance of moral intuitions for understanding a wide range of issues ranging from online …
importance of moral intuitions for understanding a wide range of issues ranging from online …
Moral foundations underlying behavioral compliance during the COVID-19 pandemic
EY Chan - Personality and individual differences, 2021 - Elsevier
During the COVID-19 pandemic, government and public health officials have advocated
three behaviors to help “flatten the curve” of the disease—staying-at-home, wearing face …
three behaviors to help “flatten the curve” of the disease—staying-at-home, wearing face …
Generation gaps in US public opinion on renewable energy and climate change
The topics of climate change and renewable energy are often linked in policy discussions
and scientific analysis, but public opinion on these topics exhibits both overlap and …
and scientific analysis, but public opinion on these topics exhibits both overlap and …
[KNIHA][B] Moral disagreement
F Tersman - 2006 - books.google.com
In this book, Folke Tersman explores what we can learn about the nature of moral thinking
from moral disagreement. He explains how diversity of opinion on moral issues undermines …
from moral disagreement. He explains how diversity of opinion on moral issues undermines …
Political orientation, moral foundations, and COVID-19 social distancing
H Tarry, V Vézina, J Bailey, L Lopes - PloS one, 2022 - journals.plos.org
During the COVID-19 pandemic, governments have advocated numerous social distancing
measures, and compliance with these has likely saved millions of lives globally. In an online …
measures, and compliance with these has likely saved millions of lives globally. In an online …
[HTML][HTML] Moral power of youth activists–Transforming international climate Politics?
Abstract Youth Climate Activists are important norm entrepreneurs as humanity is
increasingly awakening to the realities of accelerating climate change. They push for seeing …
increasingly awakening to the realities of accelerating climate change. They push for seeing …
A systems approach to cultural evolution
A widely accepted view in the cultural evolutionary literature is that culture forms a dynamic
system of elements (or 'traits') linked together by a variety of relationships. Despite this, large …
system of elements (or 'traits') linked together by a variety of relationships. Despite this, large …
The moral foundations of cryptocurrency: evidence from Twitter and survey research
Despite its relatively brief history, cryptocurrency has already had a profound impact on the
economy, with some predicting that it will eventually replace traditional fiat currencies …
economy, with some predicting that it will eventually replace traditional fiat currencies …
[HTML][HTML] The dynamics of intercultural clinical encounters in times of pandemic crisis. Swedish healthcare providers' reflections on social norms in relation to sexual …
Background: Experiences from the COVID-19 pandemic may help to better understand
resilience, competences and skills for healthcare providers and the healthcare system …
resilience, competences and skills for healthcare providers and the healthcare system …
Reflections on extracting moral foundations from media content
Moral intuitions play a central role in communication processes, from the selection,
valuation, and production of media content to political campaigning, opinion formation, and …
valuation, and production of media content to political campaigning, opinion formation, and …