Mobile marketing research: The-state-of-the-art
Rapid proliferation in the business potential of mobile marketing attracts researchers from
various fields to contribute to the growing body of knowledge on the phenomena. Although …
various fields to contribute to the growing body of knowledge on the phenomena. Although …
Consumer adoption of mobile technologies: a literature review
N Sanakulov, H Karjaluoto - International Journal of Mobile …, 2015 - inderscienceonline.com
Although the total number of mobile subscriptions reached 6.8 billion worldwide (ITU, 2013)
confirming in the process that mobile technology is widespread, academic literature has so …
confirming in the process that mobile technology is widespread, academic literature has so …
[HTML][HTML] Exploring the factors of using mobile ticketing applications: Perspectives from innovation resistance theory
This passenger resistance to adopting innovative mobile services has been widely
discussed and needs more examination. The present research model used the innovation …
discussed and needs more examination. The present research model used the innovation …
Mobile shop** apps adoption and perceived risks: A cross-country perspective utilizing the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology
Consumer adoption of mobile shop** apps is an emerging area in m-commerce which
poses an interesting challenge for retailers and app developers. In this study, we adapt the …
poses an interesting challenge for retailers and app developers. In this study, we adapt the …
Mobile-banking adoption: empirical evidence from the banking sector in Pakistan
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to study the important factors which help explain
consumer intention and use behavior in mobile banking (m-banking) adoption. All constructs …
consumer intention and use behavior in mobile banking (m-banking) adoption. All constructs …
An empirical study of consumers' intention to use ride-sharing services: using an extended technology acceptance model
Y Wang, S Wang, J Wang, J Wei, C Wang - Transportation, 2020 - Springer
Ride-sharing has received great attention recently and is considered to be a sustainable
transportation mode. Understanding the determinants of the consumers' intention to use ride …
transportation mode. Understanding the determinants of the consumers' intention to use ride …
Predicting the determinants of mobile payment acceptance: A hybrid SEM-neural network approach
As a modern alternative to cash, check or credit cards, the interest in mobile payments is
growing in our society, from consumers to merchants. The present study develops a new …
growing in our society, from consumers to merchants. The present study develops a new …
Limitations to the rapid adoption of M-payment services: Understanding the impact of privacy risk on M-Payment services
M-payment services offer many advantages over traditional payment services and analysts
have predicted their explosive growth for years. However, despite touted advantages …
have predicted their explosive growth for years. However, despite touted advantages …
[HTML][HTML] Determinants of intention to use the mobile banking apps: An extension of the classic TAM model
F Munoz-Leiva, S Climent-Climent… - Spanish journal of …, 2017 - Elsevier
For financial institutions mobile banking has represented a breakthrough in terms of remote
banking services. However, many customers remain uncertain due to its security. This study …
banking services. However, many customers remain uncertain due to its security. This study …
A SEM-neural network approach for predicting antecedents of m-commerce acceptance
Higher penetration of powerful mobile devices–especially smartphones–and high-speed
mobile internet access are leading to better offer and higher levels of usage of these devices …
mobile internet access are leading to better offer and higher levels of usage of these devices …