Assessment of functional and structural changes of soil fungal and oomycete communities in holm oak declined dehesas through metabarcoding analysis
Forest decline is nowadays a major challenge for ecosystem sustainability. Dehesas, which
consists of savannah-like mediterranean ecosystems, are threatened by the holm oak …
consists of savannah-like mediterranean ecosystems, are threatened by the holm oak …
A comparative study of the antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Inonotus hispidus fruit and their mycelia extracts
ABSTRACT Inonotus hispidus (Bull.) P. Karst. has been used as traditional medicine for the
treatment of dyspepsia, cancer, and diabetes. Numerous studies have confirmed the …
treatment of dyspepsia, cancer, and diabetes. Numerous studies have confirmed the …
Tree species identity and diversity drive fungal richness and community composition along an elevational gradient in a Mediterranean ecosystem
Ecological and taxonomic knowledge is important for conservation and utilization of
biodiversity. Biodiversity and ecology of fungi in Mediterranean ecosystems is poorly …
biodiversity. Biodiversity and ecology of fungi in Mediterranean ecosystems is poorly …
Bacterial diversity among the fruit bodies of ectomycorrhizal and saprophytic fungi and their corresponding hyphosphere soils
Y Liu, Q Sun, J Li, B Lian - Scientific Reports, 2018 - nature.com
Macro-fungi play important roles in the soil elemental cycle in terrestrial ecosystems. Many
researchers have focused on the interactions between mycorrhizal fungi and host plants …
researchers have focused on the interactions between mycorrhizal fungi and host plants …
Evaluation of the lignocellulose degradation potential of Mediterranean forests soil microbial communities through diversity and targeted functional metagenomics
The enzymatic arsenal of several soil microorganisms renders them particularly suitable for
the degradation of lignocellulose, a process of distinct ecological significance with promising …
the degradation of lignocellulose, a process of distinct ecological significance with promising …
[HTML][HTML] Diversity and distribution of macrofungi in protected mountain forest habitats in Serbia and its relation to abiotic factors
M Rakić, M Marković, Z Galić, V Galović, M Karaman - Journal of Fungi, 2022 - mdpi.com
Fungal diversity is one of the most important indicators of overall forest biodiversity and its
health. However, scarce information exists on the state of macrofungal communities of …
health. However, scarce information exists on the state of macrofungal communities of …
Taxonomic studies on some new fungal records from Trabzon, Turkey
Basidiomes of Alnicola subconspersa (Kühner ex PD Orton) Bon, Amanita pachyvolvata
(Bon) Krieglst., Cortinarius azureus Fr., Cortinarius vernus H. Lindstr. And Melot …
(Bon) Krieglst., Cortinarius azureus Fr., Cortinarius vernus H. Lindstr. And Melot …
[PDF][PDF] Pollen morphology of some species of Amaranthaceae s. lat. common in Italy
Chenopodiaceae Vent. and Amaranthaceae Juss. have long been considered two closely
related families of the order Caryophyllales and they were subject to taxonomical revisions …
related families of the order Caryophyllales and they were subject to taxonomical revisions …
Characterization of Biological Activities of Methanol Extract of Fuscoporia torulosa (Basidiomycetes) from Italy
This work investigated the antiradical, antibacterial, and antifungal properties of a methanol
extract from Fuscoporia torulosa (PeruMyc1834) fruit body from Central Italy. The ITS partial …
extract from Fuscoporia torulosa (PeruMyc1834) fruit body from Central Italy. The ITS partial …
Overview of the Biological Activities of a Methanol Extract from Wild Red Belt Conk, Fomitopsis pinicola (Agaricomycetes), Fruiting Bodies from Central Italy
ABSTRACT Fomitopsis pinicola (Sw.) P. Karst.(Fomitopsidaceae) is a medicinal mushroom
with a variety of healthy properties. In this study we tested the radical scavenging activity and …
with a variety of healthy properties. In this study we tested the radical scavenging activity and …