Factors affecting consumers' green product purchase decisions

P Kumar, BM Ghodeswar - Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 2015‏ - emerald.com
Purpose–The literature on green consumer behaviour recently focuses upon the Asian
markets. Though environmental consciousness in Indian consumers is observed in the …

Examining the role of consumer lifestyles on ecological behavior among young Indian consumers

A Adnan, A Ahmad, MN Khan - Young Consumers, 2017‏ - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to identify what lifestyles best explain and impact
ecological behavior among young Indian consumers. Design/methodology/approach This …

Role of pro-environmental post-purchase behaviour in green consumer behaviour

R Nittala, VR Moturu - Vilakshan-XIMB Journal of Management, 2023‏ - emerald.com
Purpose The purchase of green products is not the finale of green consumer behaviour but
the environmental concern is crucial in post-purchase behaviour. Studies on pro …

Consumer adoption of green products: Modeling the enablers

V Nath, R Kumar, R Agrawal, A Gautam… - Global business …, 2013‏ - journals.sagepub.com
Environmentalism has become an important social and corporate issue during the twenty-
first century. Consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious and are demanding …

Turning to sustainable business practices: A macromarketing perspective

M Peterson, MB Lunde - Marketing in and for a Sustainable Society, 2016‏ - emerald.com
Purpose This paper reviews recent developments in marketing-related sustainable business
practices (SBP) that macromarketing scholars have researched and debated for four …

[PDF][PDF] Effect of green product and green advertising to satisfaction and loyalty which mediated by purchase decision

L Suhaily, S Darmoyo - International Journal of Contemporary Applied …, 2019‏ - ijcar.net
The growing of being aware of the destruction of natural resources have increased human
activities and need for the preservation of the environment. Destruction of natural resources …

Impediments to adoption of green products: An ISM analysis

V Nath, R Kumar, R Agrawal, A Gautam… - Journal of Promotion …, 2014‏ - Taylor & Francis
During the last decades of the twentieth century, industry and business leaders have
recognized the importance of incorporating environmental sustainability in their business …

Impact of hedonic motivation and perceived moral obligation on green products purchase intention among centennials

N Shanmugavel, S Solayan - Academy of Marketing Studies …, 2021‏ - search.proquest.com
In the mist of sustainable environment, centennials' quest towards green products are
facilitated by marketers by embracing green concepts in all the stages of product offerings …

Consumer lifestyles and ecological behavior: a study of car buyers in India

A Adnan, A Ahmad, MN Khan - Business Strategy and the …, 2023‏ - Wiley Online Library
Environmental issues have gauged the attention of marketers and researchers all around
the world. Automobile industry has a major environmental impact due to fuel consumption …

[PDF][PDF] Green products a myth or worth: An Indian consumer perspective

N Dhanwani, K Jainani, N Ojha - International Journal of …, 2020‏ - researchgate.net
According to sustainability goals of the United nation's everyone on the globe is concerned
about environmental friendly practices in the Retail industry, especially for products …