Polyandry as a mediator of sexual selection before and after mating

C Kvarnemo, LW Simmons - … Transactions of the Royal …, 2013 - royalsocietypublishing.org
The Darwin–Bateman paradigm recognizes competition among males for access to multiple
mates as the main driver of sexual selection. Increasingly, however, females are also being …

A supergene determines highly divergent male reproductive morphs in the ruff

C Küpper, M Stocks, JE Risse, N Dos Remedios… - Nature …, 2016 - nature.com
Three strikingly different alternative male mating morphs (aggressive'independents',
semicooperative'satellites' and female-mimic'faeders') coexist as a balanced polymorphism …

The causes and implications of sex role diversity in shorebird breeding systems

T Székely, MC Carmona‐Isunza, N Engel… - Ibis, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Males and females often exhibit different behaviours during mate acquisition, pair‐bonding
and parenting, and a convenient label to characterize these behaviours is sex role. The …

Disruptive coloration and background pattern matching

IC Cuthill, M Stevens, J Sheppard, T Maddocks… - Nature, 2005 - nature.com
Effective camouflage renders a target indistinguishable from irrelevant background objects.
Two interrelated but logically distinct mechanisms for this are background pattern matching …

[BOOK][B] The evolutionary biology of human female sexuality

R Thornhill, SW Gangestad - 2008 - books.google.com
Research conducted in the last fifteen years has placed in question many of the traditional
conclusions scholars have formed about human female sexuality. Though conventional …

Kin selection and cooperative courtship in wild turkeys

AH Krakauer - Nature, 2005 - nature.com
In the few species of birds in which males form display partnerships to attract females, one
male secures most or all of the copulations,. This leads to the question of why subordinate …

Rethinking Bateman's principles: challenging persistent myths of sexually reluctant females and promiscuous males

Z Tang-Martínez - The Journal of Sex Research, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
In 1948, Angus Bateman published a paper on fruit flies that tested Charles Darwin's ideas
of sexual selection. Based on this one fruit fly study, Bateman concluded that because males …

The problem with paradigms: Bateman's worldview as a case study

Z Tang-Martinez, TB Ryder - Integrative and Comparative …, 2005 - academic.oup.com
Bateman's principles, their corollaries and predictions constitute a paradigm for the study of
sexual selection theory, evolution of mating systems, parental investment theory, and sexual …

Social heterosis and the maintenance of genetic diversity

P Nonacs, KM Kapheim - Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2007 - academic.oup.com
Genetic diversity in species is often high in spite of directional selection or strong genetic
drift. One resolution to this paradox may be through fitness benefits arising from interactions …

Sexual conflict, ecology, and breeding systems in shorebirds

T Szekely, GH Thomas, IC Cuthill - BioScience, 2006 - academic.oup.com
Evolutionary biologists strive to understand the immense variation in animals' breeding
systems. Shorebirds represent an ideal model system for this endeavor, because they …