When gender stereotypes get male adolescents into trouble: A longitudinal study on gender conformity pressure as a predictor of school misconduct

A Heyder, M Van Hek, M Van Houtte - Sex roles, 2021‏ - Springer
School misconduct is a threat to educational careers and learning. The present study sheds
light on why male adolescents in particular are prone to school misconduct. Qualitative …

Transcending the gender dichotomy in educational gender gap research: The association between gender identity and academic self-efficacy

W Vantieghem, H Vermeersch, M Van Houtte - Contemporary Educational …, 2014‏ - Elsevier
Educational gender gap research tends to focus on differences between boys' and girls'
achievement. However, substantial variation exists within the sexes concerning this …

School effects on deviance: An international perspective

J Demanet, M Van Houtte - Resisting education: A cross-national study on …, 2019‏ - Springer
This introductory chapter roots the overarching model of the volume in the scientific literature
and sketches the overall framework in which the volume is set. First, we provide background …

Does students' machismo fit in school? Clarifying the implications of traditional gender role ideology for school belonging

E Huyge, D Van Maele, M Van Houtte - Gender and Education, 2015‏ - Taylor & Francis
How much students feel at home in school predicts academic outcomes. In view of the
gender achievement gap, it is worth examining the gendered pattern of this school …

Gender differences in class engagement and disruptive school behaviour: boys' susceptibility to peers' motivation culture

M Van Houtte - Gender and Education, 2024‏ - Taylor & Francis
Starting from observed gender differences in educational effort and because research
considers motivation to be a personal student feature, this study had two aims. First, it …

Gender differences in context: the impact of track position on study involvement in Flemish secondary education

M Van Houtte - Sociology of Education, 2017‏ - journals.sagepub.com
This study examines whether the influence of track position on study involvement is
gendered and whether gender differences in study involvement according to track position …

Teachers' efficacy, trust, and students' features: internal and external forces affecting teachers' teachability perceptions

L Van Eycken, J Demanet, M Van Houtte - Social Psychology of Education, 2024‏ - Springer
Teachability perceptions reflect teachers' perceptions of students' cognitive-motivational
behaviors, personal social behaviors, and school-appropriate behaviors. Teachers in …

Gender differences in resistance to schooling: The role of dynamic peer-influence and selection processes

S Geven, J O. Jonsson, F van Tubergen - Journal of Youth and …, 2017‏ - Springer
Boys engage in notably higher levels of resistance to schooling than girls. While scholars
argue that peer processes contribute to this gender gap, this claim has not been tested with …

Understanding the gender gap in school (dis) engagement from three gender dimensions: the individual, the interactional and the institutional

M Van Houtte - Educational studies, 2023‏ - Taylor & Francis
In explaining why girls outperform boys in school, some studies focus on individual gender-
identity. Others stress the interactional dimension of students exerting pressure to act in a …

Analyzing the impact of COVID-19 on gender gaps in mathematics: The role of socioeconomic status in Chile

F Meneses, L Ortega, D Kuzmanic… - International Journal of …, 2025‏ - Elsevier
In many countries, the COVID-19 pandemic widened pre-existing gaps in educational
outcomes. This study estimates the differential effect of the pandemic on girls' and boys' …