A division-based broadcasting method considering channel bandwidths for NVoD services

T Yoshihisa, S Nishio - IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Due to the recent proliferation of digital broadcasting, several methods for broadcast
streaming data, ie, movies or music, using the division-based broadcasting scheme have …

Frequency computation and bounded queries

R Beigel, W Gasarch, E Kinber - Theoretical Computer Science, 1996 - Elsevier
There have been several papers over the last ten years that consider the number of queries
needed to compute a function as a measure of its complexity. The following function has …

An interruption time reduction scheme with prefetch for hybrid video broadcasting environments

T Yoshihisa, S Nishio - 2011 IEEE Wireless Communications …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Most of the recent set-top boxes for digital video broadcasting can connect to the Internet.
They can receive data from broadcast systems and from communication systems. Since …

A method to reduce interruption time for streaming delivery of broadcast and communications integration environments

Y Gotoh, T Yoshihisa, H Taniguchi… - … on Complex, Intelligent …, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Due to the continued popularization of broadcast and communications integration
environments, streaming delivery using broadcast and communication is attracting attention …

Dynamic data delivery for video interruption time reduction in hybrid broadcasting environments

T Yoshihisa - 2014 17th International Conference on Network …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The recent development of hybrid broadcasting environments has meant that video delivery
has attracted great attention. In hybrid broadcasting environments, clients can receive data …

A video streaming delivery method considering the number of clients on hybrid broadcasting environments

T Yoshihisa, S Nishio - The 1st IEEE Global Conference on …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Due to the recent development of video streaming delivery, hybrid broadcasting
environments have attracted great attention. Some methods to reduce interruption time on …


義久智樹, 西尾章治郎 - 情報処理学会論文誌, 2012 - ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp
論文抄録 **年の放送通信融合環境の整備にともない, 放送通信融合環境を用いた映像配信が
注目されている. 映像配信では, 再生端末が映像をできる限り中断することなく再生できることが重要 …


義久智樹, 西尾章治郎 - 情報処理学会論文誌, 2013 - ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp
論文抄録 **年の映像ストリーミング配信の普及にともない, 放送通信融合環境に対する注目が
高まっている. 放送通信融合環境では, 映像の再生端末は, 放送からと同時に通信からもデータを …


義久智樹, 西尾章治郎 - 研究報告モバイルコンピューティングと …, 2011 - ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp
論文抄録 **年の映像ストリーミング配信の普及に伴い, 放送通信融合環境に対する注目が高まって
いる. 放送通信融合環境では, 映像データの再生端末は, 放送からと同時に通信でデータを要求して …


義久智樹, 西尾章治郎 - マルチメディア, 分散協調とモバイル …, 2011 - ipsj.ixsq.nii.ac.jp
論文抄録 **年の放送通信融合環境の整備に伴い, 放送通信融合環境を用いた映像配信が注目
されている. 映像配信では, 再生端末が映像を中断することなく再生できることが重要なため …