Ginzburg-Landau description and emergent supersymmetry of the (3, 8) minimal model

IR Klebanov, V Narovlansky, Z Sun… - Journal of High Energy …, 2023‏ - Springer
A bstract A pair of the 2D non-unitary minimal models M (2, 5) is known to be equivalent to a
variant of the M (3, 10) minimal model. We discuss the RG flow from this model to another …

Percolation transition for random forests in

R Bauerschmidt, N Crawford, T Helmuth - Inventiones mathematicae, 2024‏ - Springer
The arboreal gas is the probability measure on (unrooted spanning) forests of a graph in
which each forest is weighted by a factor β> 0 per edge. It arises as the q→ 0 limit of the q …

Fermionic Gaussian free field structure in the Abelian sandpile model and uniform spanning tree

L Chiarini, A Cipriani, A Rapoport, W Ruszel - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2023‏ -
In this paper we rigorously construct a finite volume representation for the height-one field of
the Abelian sandpile model and the degree field of the uniform spanning tree in terms of the …

[HTML][HTML] Improved bounds for the zeros of the chromatic polynomial via Whitney's Broken Circuit Theorem

M Jenssen, V Patel, G Regts - Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 2024‏ - Elsevier
We prove that for any graph G of maximum degree at most Δ, the zeros of its chromatic
polynomial χ G (x)(in C) lie inside the disc of radius 5.94 Δ centered at 0. This improves on …

Uniqueness of the infinite tree in low-dimensional random forests

N Halberstam, T Hutchcroft - Probability and Mathematical Physics, 2024‏ -
The arboreal gas is the random (unrooted) spanning forest of a graph in which each forest is
sampled with probability proportional to β# edges for some β≥ 0, which arises as the q→ 0 …

Critical Field Theories with Symmetry

IR Klebanov - Physical review letters, 2022‏ - APS
In the paper [L. Fei et al., J. High Energy Phys. 09 (2015) 076 JHEPFG 1029-8479
10.1007/JHEP09 (2015) 076] a cubic field theory of a scalar field σ and two anticommuting …

Uniqueness of the infinite tree in low-dimensional random forests

N Halberstam, T Hutchcroft - arxiv preprint arxiv:2302.12224, 2023‏ -
The arboreal gas is the random (unrooted) spanning forest of a graph in which each forest is
sampled with probability proportional to $\beta^{\#\text {edges}} $ for some $\beta\geq 0 …

Correlations in uniform spanning trees: a fermionic approach

A Rapoport - arxiv preprint arxiv:2312.14992, 2023‏ -
In the present paper we establish a clear correspondence between probabilities of certain
edges belonging to a realization of the uniform spanning tree (UST), and the states of a …

Spin systems with hyperbolic symmetry: a survey

R Bauerschmidt, T Helmuth - Proc. Int. Cong. Math, 2022‏ -
Spin systems with hyperbolic symmetry originated as simplified models for the Anderson
metal–insulator transition, and were subsequently found to exactly describe probabilistic …

[HTML][HTML] Loop-erased partitioning via parametric spanning trees: Monotonicities & 1D-scaling

L Avena, J Driessen, T Koperberg - Stochastic Processes and their …, 2024‏ - Elsevier
We consider a parametric version of the UST (Uniform Spanning Tree) measure on arbitrary
directed weighted finite graphs with tuning (killing) parameter q> 0. This is obtained by …