Meta-QTLs, ortho-meta-QTLs and candidate genes for grain yield and associated traits in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Key message In wheat, 2852 major QTLs of 8998 QTLs available for yield and related traits
were used for meta-analysis; 141 meta-QTLs were identified, which included 13 breeder's …
were used for meta-analysis; 141 meta-QTLs were identified, which included 13 breeder's …
QTL meta-analysis: an approach to detect robust and precise QTL
A large number of QTLs controlling important traits in different crops have been mapped but
their deployment in the marker assisted selection (MAS) is highly limited. The possible …
their deployment in the marker assisted selection (MAS) is highly limited. The possible …
Meta-QTL and ortho-MQTL analyses identified genomic regions controlling rice yield, yield-related traits and root architecture under water deficit conditions
Meta-QTL (MQTL) analysis is a robust approach for genetic dissection of complex
quantitative traits. Rice varieties adapted to non-flooded cultivation are highly desirable in …
quantitative traits. Rice varieties adapted to non-flooded cultivation are highly desirable in …
Genome wide screening and comparative genome analysis for Meta-QTLs, ortho-MQTLs and candidate genes controlling yield and yield-related traits in rice
Background Improving yield and yield-related traits is the crucial goal in breeding
programmes of cereals. Meta-QTL (MQTL) analysis discovers the most stable QTLs …
programmes of cereals. Meta-QTL (MQTL) analysis discovers the most stable QTLs …
Detection of genomic regions associated with tiller number in Iranian bread wheat under different water regimes using genome-wide association study
Two of the important traits for wheat yield are tiller and fertile tiller number, both of which
have been thought to increase cereal yield in favorable and unfavorable environments. A …
have been thought to increase cereal yield in favorable and unfavorable environments. A …
Genome-Wide Association Study of Waterlogging Tolerance in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Under Controlled Field Conditions
A Borrego-Benjumea, A Carter, M Zhu… - Frontiers in plant …, 2021 -
Waterlogging is one of the main abiotic stresses severely reducing barley grain yield. Barley
breeding programs focusing on waterlogging tolerance require an understanding of genetic …
breeding programs focusing on waterlogging tolerance require an understanding of genetic …
Meta-QTL analysis in rice and cross-genome talk of the genomic regions controlling nitrogen use efficiency in cereal crops revealing phylogenetic relationship
N Sandhu, G Pruthi, O Prakash Raigar, MP Singh… - Frontiers in …, 2021 -
The phenomenal increase in the use of nitrogenous fertilizers coupled with poor nitrogen
use efficiency is among the most important threats to the environment, economic, and social …
use efficiency is among the most important threats to the environment, economic, and social …
Genome-wide meta-QTL analyses provide novel insight into disease resistance repertoires in common bean
Abstract Background Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) is considered a staple food in a
number of develo** countries. Several diseases attack the crop leading to substantial …
number of develo** countries. Several diseases attack the crop leading to substantial …
A meta-quantitative trait loci analysis identified consensus genomic regions and candidate genes associated with grain yield in rice
Improving grain yield potential in rice is an important step toward addressing global food
security challenges. The meta-QTL analysis offers stable and robust QTLs irrespective of the …
security challenges. The meta-QTL analysis offers stable and robust QTLs irrespective of the …
Reproductive tissues-specific meta-QTLs and candidate genes for development of heat-tolerant rice cultivars
Key Message By integrating genetics and genomics data, reproductive tissues-specific and
heat stress responsive 35 meta-QTLs and 45 candidate genes were identified, which could …
heat stress responsive 35 meta-QTLs and 45 candidate genes were identified, which could …