Data center tcp (dctcp)
Cloud data centers host diverse applications, mixing workloads that require small
predictable latency with others requiring large sustained throughput. In this environment …
predictable latency with others requiring large sustained throughput. In this environment …
{ABC}: A simple explicit congestion controller for wireless networks
We propose Accel-Brake Control (ABC), a simple and deployable explicit congestion control
protocol for network paths with time-varying wireless links. ABC routers mark each packet …
protocol for network paths with time-varying wireless links. ABC routers mark each packet …
On the design of load factor based congestion control protocols for next-generation networks
Load factor based congestion control schemes have shown to enhance network
performance, in terms of utilization, packet loss and delay. In these schemes, using more …
performance, in terms of utilization, packet loss and delay. In these schemes, using more …
Mind the Misleading Effects of LEO Mobility on End-to-End Congestion Control
End-to-end congestion control algorithms (CCAs) are expected to perform well in any
Internet path, including those paths with low-earth orbit (LEO) satellite links. In this paper, we …
Internet path, including those paths with low-earth orbit (LEO) satellite links. In this paper, we …
Network-friendly transmission control protocol (TCP) methods, apparatus and articles of manufacture
Example methods, apparatus and articles of manufacture to route policy requests are
disclosed. A disclosed example method includes sending bandwidth probe packets at a …
disclosed. A disclosed example method includes sending bandwidth probe packets at a …
Congestion control with multipacket feedback
Many congestion control protocols use explicit feedback from the network to achieve high
performance. Most of these either require more bits for feedback than are available in the IP …
performance. Most of these either require more bits for feedback than are available in the IP …
Adaptive explicit congestion control based on bandwidth estimation for high bandwidth-delay product networks
Existing congestion control protocols for high bandwidth-delay product (HBDP) networks
either suffer from efficiency degradation caused by insufficient feedback of the network state …
either suffer from efficiency degradation caused by insufficient feedback of the network state …
Estimating an additive path cost with explicit congestion notification
Network utility maximization is a well-accepted theoretical framework that describes how
congestion controls cooperate to achieve an ideal sending rate allocation, for given utility …
congestion controls cooperate to achieve an ideal sending rate allocation, for given utility …
Nf-tcp: Network friendly tcp
Delay-insensitive applications such as P2P file sharing, data center backups and software
updates generate substantial amounts of traffic. This traffic, transported potentially over …
updates generate substantial amounts of traffic. This traffic, transported potentially over …
ABCSS: A novel approach for increasing the TCP congestion window in a network
Congestion control is a useful task to be taken into account in order to maintain a good traffic
in a network. In the case of a TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) …
in a network. In the case of a TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) …