A new paradigm of cloud-based predictive maintenance for intelligent manufacturing
J Wang, L Zhang, L Duan, RX Gao - Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2017 - Springer
Advances in cloud computing reshape the manufacturing industry into dynamically scalable,
on-demand service oriented, and highly distributed cost-efficient business model. However it …
on-demand service oriented, and highly distributed cost-efficient business model. However it …
Vulnerabilities and mitigation techniques toning in the cloud: A cost and vulnerabilities coverage optimization approach using Cuckoo search algorithm with Lévy …
M Zineddine - Computers & Security, 2015 - Elsevier
Abstract Information and Communication Technology (ICT) security issues have been a
major concern for decades. Today's ICT infrastructure faces sophisticated attacks using …
major concern for decades. Today's ICT infrastructure faces sophisticated attacks using …
Role of agents to enhance the security and scalability in cloud environment
M Malhotra, A Singh - Cloud Security: Concepts, Methodologies …, 2019 - igi-global.com
Cloud computing is a novel paradigm that changes the industry viewpoint of inventing,
develo**, deploying, scaling, updating, maintaining, and paying for applications and the …
develo**, deploying, scaling, updating, maintaining, and paying for applications and the …
Hybrid two-tier framework for improved security in cloud environment
A Singh, M Malhotra - 2016 3rd International Conference on …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Cloud computing has already grabbed its roots in IT industry. It has become an appealing
choice for small budget organizations since on demand resources are available on pay as …
choice for small budget organizations since on demand resources are available on pay as …
Resilient hybrid mobile ad-hoc cloud over collaborating heterogeneous nodes
The emergence of Mobile Ad-hoc Clouds (MACs) promises more effective and collaborative
elastic resource-infinite computing. However, the highly dynamic, mobile, heterogeneous …
elastic resource-infinite computing. However, the highly dynamic, mobile, heterogeneous …
A novel trust model for fog computing using fuzzy neural networks and weighted weakest link
M Zineddine - Information & Computer Security, 2020 - emerald.com
Purpose Trust is one of the main pillars of many communication and interaction domains.
Computing is no exception. Fog computing (FC) has emerged as mitigation of several cloud …
Computing is no exception. Fog computing (FC) has emerged as mitigation of several cloud …
Использование ресурсов облачных вычислительных систем и мобильных агентов при решении задач мобильных технологий
ЮР Акинин, ВН Черников… - Вестник Воронежского …, 2013 - cyberleninka.ru
В статье рассматриваются вопросы использования облачных вычислительных систем
для хранения и обработки информации в мобильных технологиях. Мобильные …
для хранения и обработки информации в мобильных технологиях. Мобильные …
[PDF][PDF] Emphasis on Cloud Optimization and Security Gaps: A Literature
Cloud computing is emerging as a significant new paradigm in the fields of Service-oriented
computing, software engineering, etc. The paper aims to characterize the cloud environment …
computing, software engineering, etc. The paper aims to characterize the cloud environment …
Cloud adaptive resource allocation mechanism for efficient parallel processing
M Malhotra, R Malhotra - International Journal of Cloud Applications …, 2014 - igi-global.com
As cloud based services becomes more assorted, resource provisioning becomes more
challenges. This is an important issue that how resource may be allocated. The cloud …
challenges. This is an important issue that how resource may be allocated. The cloud …
A study and analysis on simulators of cloud computing paradigm
M Malhotra - vol, 2017 - ijatca.com
Cloud computing is growing day by day and becoming popular in todayís era. A large
number of organizations are shifting their business on cloud and paying more attention …
number of organizations are shifting their business on cloud and paying more attention …