A review of restaurant sustainable indicators
W Legrand, P Sloan, C Simons-Kaufmann… - Advances in hospitality …, 2010 - emerald.com
The purpose of this chapter is to develop and review a set of indicators that measure the
level of sustainable performance achieved by individual restaurants and to provide a means …
level of sustainable performance achieved by individual restaurants and to provide a means …
La competencia intercultural en la enseñanza del inglés dentro del contexto turístico
A Alonso Alonso - … de investigación e innovación en la …, 2006 - produccioncientifica.usal.es
The contribution of concepts as relevant as that of linguistic and intercultural competence
are presumably the theoretical essence for the exploration of the mechanisms and …
are presumably the theoretical essence for the exploration of the mechanisms and …
Inglés como lengua de contacto intercultural y su importancia en la formación del profesional en turismo
BMY Garcia, CMLS Dueñas… - … Electrónica Formación y …, 2019 - refcale.uleam.edu.ec
La formación de competencias comunicativas en idioma inglés para el profesional de
hotelería y turismo requiere tomar en consideración algunos aspectos fundamentales …
hotelería y turismo requiere tomar en consideración algunos aspectos fundamentales …
Atvykstamojo turizmo Lietuvoje konkurencingumas Baltijos šalių kontekste
K Petrilovskaja, A Miškinis - Ekonomika, 2007 - epublications.vu.lt
Abstract [eng] The purpose of the article is to evaluate the inbound tourism in Lithuania and
its competitiveness in comparison with other Baltic States. The objectives are to evaluate the …
its competitiveness in comparison with other Baltic States. The objectives are to evaluate the …
[PDF][PDF] Village Tourism as Sustainable Development Alternative: Empirical Evidence from Mawlynnong, the Cleanest Village in Asia.
KF Rahman, S Yeasmin - ASA University Review, 2014 - Citeseer
While the impact of global warming and climate change has been crucial in the question of
sustainable tourism development, village tourism has drawn the attention of the world …
sustainable tourism development, village tourism has drawn the attention of the world …
Language for tourism
MF Ruiz‐Garrido… - The encyclopedia of …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Language for tourism has developed relatively recently as a field within languages
for specific purposes (LSP), joining other more widely known and longer‐established …
for specific purposes (LSP), joining other more widely known and longer‐established …
Ilgaz dağı kış turizm merkezi ziyaretçilerinin motivasyon ve memnuniyet düzeylerinin değerlendirilmesi
P Naghıpour - 2017 - dspace.ankara.edu.tr
Dağlar, her mevsimde farklı rekreasyonel etkinliklerin yapıldığı önemli turizm alanları
arasındadır. Bu etkinlikler içinde dağcılık ve kış turizmi öne çıkmaktadır. Ilgaz Dağı doğal …
arasındadır. Bu etkinlikler içinde dağcılık ve kış turizmi öne çıkmaktadır. Ilgaz Dağı doğal …
La traducción de textos turísticos (español-inglés): los folletos de museos
GR Déniz Suárez - 2016 - accedacris.ulpgc.es
Versa sobre el discurso y la traducción de textos turísticos en la provincia de Las Palmas. El
estudio se centra en los folletos de museos como ejemplo del folleto turístico. El objetivo …
estudio se centra en los folletos de museos como ejemplo del folleto turístico. El objetivo …
The allotment Contract through the Hotel-keeper's General and Special Liability for Damage
O Radolovic - J. Int'l Com. L. & Tech., 2011 - HeinOnline
The hotel-keeper is liable for any damage due to breach of the allotment contract. His
liability is divided into two types: 1.) general liability-that derives from the agency …
liability is divided into two types: 1.) general liability-that derives from the agency …
Influencia del Dominio del Idioma Inglés en la Satisfacción del Turista Anglohablante en relación a los Servicios Turísticos de la región Tumbes, 2019
FE Jara Puell, SA Medina Sandoval - 2020 - repositorio.untumbes.edu.pe
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la Influencia del Dominio del
Idioma Inglés en la Satisfacción del Turista Anglohablante en relación a los Servicios …
Idioma Inglés en la Satisfacción del Turista Anglohablante en relación a los Servicios …