Real-time monitoring system for rabbit house environment based on NB-IoT network

QIN Yingdong, JIA Wenshen - Smart Agriculture, 2023 -
To meet the needs of environmental monitoring and regulation in rabbit houses, a real-time
environmental monitoring system for rabbit houses was proposed based on narrow band …

Decision trees for predicting the physiological responses of rabbits

PFP Ferraz, YF Hernández-Julio, GAS Ferraz… - Animals, 2019 -
Simple Summary The primary aim of this paper is to develop decision trees to predict rabbits'
physiological responses, such as the respiratory rate or ear temperature, based on …

基于 NB-IoT 网络的兔舍环境实时监测系统

秦英栋, 贾文珅 - 智慧农业, 2023 -
为满足兔舍环境监测调控需求, 同时摆脱传统布线网络局限性, 缩减网络资费,
电路元件和控制系统成本, 本研究提出一种基于窄带物联网(Narrow Band Internet of Things …

Simulating the energy and water fluxes from two alkaline desert ecosystems over Central Asia

CQ **g, LH Li - Advances in Meteorology, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
The Central Asia region is covered by vast desert ecosystems, where the characteristic of
energy and water fluxes is different from other humid ecosystems. The application of land …

Potential for Develo** Rabbit Farming Business in Salokaraja Village, Lalabata District, Soppeng Regency

SW Utami, H Sonjaya, MF Tullah, I Irwan… - Agriculture and Socio …, 2024 -
Rabbits can give birth 6–8 times a year with a gestation period of approximately 30 days.
Each time she gives birth, the number of children produced can reach 8 per mother. The …

Mėsai auginamų triušių gerovės ir sveikatingumo vertinimas namų ir komerciniuose ūkiuose

R Krivickaitė - 2022 -
Mėsai auginamų triušių gerovės ir sveikatingumo vertinimas namų ir komerciniuose
ūkiuose Assessment of Welfare and Health Page 1 LIETUVOS SVEIKATOS MOKSLŲ …

[CITARE][C] Требования к микроклимату помещения для содержания кроликов в Екатеринбургском зоопарке

ЮА Маштега, ОП Неверова - Молодежь и наука, 2020