[HTML][HTML] New trends in e-commerce research: Linking social commerce and sharing commerce: A systematic literature review
Technological advances have facilitated the move from market-centric to user-centric
commerce by enabling the progress towards S-Commerce from E-Commerce …
commerce by enabling the progress towards S-Commerce from E-Commerce …
Co-creation in tourism: a systematic map** study
Purpose The purpose of this study is to organize and analyze the existing literature on co-
creation in tourism to identify the state-of-the-art studies and the research gap in this field …
creation in tourism to identify the state-of-the-art studies and the research gap in this field …
Analyzing the effect of social support and community factors on customer engagement and its impact on loyalty behaviors toward social commerce websites
While research into customer engagement receives much attention, few studies have
examined why consumers engage in social commerce and the resulting consequences for …
examined why consumers engage in social commerce and the resulting consequences for …
Determinants of social commerce usage and online impulse purchase: implications for business and digital revolution
Since their introduction in the early 2000s, the use of social networking websites has
exploded. Many businesses are seeing increased revenue due to their social commerce …
exploded. Many businesses are seeing increased revenue due to their social commerce …
Social support, belongingness, and value co-creation behaviors in online health communities
Community members become part of the value chain, and their value co-creation behaviors
have progressively elicited extensive attention from scholars and practitioners. However, the …
have progressively elicited extensive attention from scholars and practitioners. However, the …
[HTML][HTML] Scroll, Stop, Shop: Decoding impulsive buying in social commerce
Technological advancements within social commerce platforms, such as “action buttons” on
Facebook or Instagram (eg, the “Shop” button), have simplified how customers interact with …
Facebook or Instagram (eg, the “Shop” button), have simplified how customers interact with …
Assessing consumers' co‐production and future participation on value co‐creation and business benefit: An FPCB model perspective
Co-production and active participation of the consumers are considered to have enhanced
the value co-creation activities that would ensure business benefits of a firm. The marketing …
the value co-creation activities that would ensure business benefits of a firm. The marketing …
[HTML][HTML] Prosumers' intention to co-create business value and the moderating role of digital media usage
S Chatterjee, M Mariani, SF Wamba - Journal of Business Research, 2023 - Elsevier
The study identifies the factors impacting prosumers' intention for co-production and future
participation. It also investigates the moderating role of digital media usage in the …
participation. It also investigates the moderating role of digital media usage in the …
Media or message, which is the king in social commerce?: An empirical study of participants' intention to repost marketing messages on social media
Grounded on the stimulus-organism-response (SOR) framework, we develop a research
model by proposing participants' perceived utilitarian and hedonic value as the two key …
model by proposing participants' perceived utilitarian and hedonic value as the two key …
Exchanging social support in social commerce: The role of peer relations
X Yang - Computers in Human Behavior, 2021 - Elsevier
This study investigates the social support exchange process in social commerce. It confirms
the influence of receiving online social support on giving social support meditated by peer …
the influence of receiving online social support on giving social support meditated by peer …