A review of astrophysics experiments on intense lasers
Astrophysics has traditionally been pursued at astronomical observatories and on theorists'
computers. Observations record images from space, and theoretical models are developed …
computers. Observations record images from space, and theoretical models are developed …
Stability analysis solutions for nonlinear three-dimensional modified Korteweg–de Vries–Zakharov–Kuznetsov equation in a magnetized electron–positron plasma
AR Seadawy - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2016 - Elsevier
The nonlinear three-dimensional modified Korteweg–de Vries–Zakharov–
Kuznetsov(mKdV–ZK) equation governs the behavior of weakly nonlinear ion-acoustic …
Kuznetsov(mKdV–ZK) equation governs the behavior of weakly nonlinear ion-acoustic …
Dynamics of ion-acoustic waves in Thomas-Fermi plasmas with source term
Dynamics of ion acoustic waves are studied in Thomas-Fermi plasmas with source term
consisting of electrons, positrons and positive ions, where electrons and positrons follow …
consisting of electrons, positrons and positive ions, where electrons and positrons follow …
Wave kinetics of relativistic quantum plasmas
JT Mendonça - Physics of Plasmas, 2011 - pubs.aip.org
A quantum kinetic equation, valid for relativistic unmagnetized plasmas, is derived here. This
equation describes the evolution of a quantum quasi-distribution, which is the Wigner …
equation describes the evolution of a quantum quasi-distribution, which is the Wigner …
Nonlinear electromagnetic perturbations in a degenerate ultrarelativistic electron-positron plasma
Nonlinear propagation of fast and slow magnetosonic perturbation modes in an
ultrarelativistic, ultracold, degenerate (extremely dense) electron positron (EP) plasma …
ultrarelativistic, ultracold, degenerate (extremely dense) electron positron (EP) plasma …
Ion acoustic shock waves in a degenerate relativistic plasma with nuclei of heavy elements
Based on the quantum hydrodynamics theory, a rigorous model for ion acoustic shock
waves (IASWs) in a degenerate relativistic plasma with heavy ion nuclei is presented. Two …
waves (IASWs) in a degenerate relativistic plasma with heavy ion nuclei is presented. Two …
Ultrafast optical field–ionized gases—A laboratory platform for studying kinetic plasma instabilities
Kinetic instabilities arising from anisotropic electron velocity distributions are ubiquitous in
ionospheric, cosmic, and terrestrial plasmas, yet there are only a handful of experiments that …
ionospheric, cosmic, and terrestrial plasmas, yet there are only a handful of experiments that …
Bifurcation analysis of ion-acoustic superperiodic waves in dense plasmas
Bifurcation analysis of ion-acoustic (IA) superperiodic waves is studied in dense plasmas
composed of electrons, positrons, and positive ions. Employing bifurcation analysis of …
composed of electrons, positrons, and positive ions. Employing bifurcation analysis of …
Ion acoustic solitary waves in plasmas with nonextensive distributed electrons, positrons and relativistic thermal ions
The theoretical and numerical studies have been investigated on nonlinear propagation of
weakly relativistic ion acoustic solitary waves in an unmagnetized plasma system consisting …
weakly relativistic ion acoustic solitary waves in an unmagnetized plasma system consisting …
Propagation and head-on collisions of ion-acoustic solitons in a Thomas–Fermi magnetoplasma: relativistic degeneracy effects
M Akbari-Moghanjoughi - Physics of Plasmas, 2010 - pubs.aip.org
Small amplitude propagation and quasielastic head-on collision of ion-acoustic solitary
waves (IASWs) are investigated in a degenerate Thomas–Fermi electron-positron-ion …
waves (IASWs) are investigated in a degenerate Thomas–Fermi electron-positron-ion …