A review of astrophysics experiments on intense lasers

BA Remington, RP Drake, H Takabe, D Arnett - Physics of Plasmas, 2000 - pubs.aip.org
Astrophysics has traditionally been pursued at astronomical observatories and on theorists'
computers. Observations record images from space, and theoretical models are developed …

Stability analysis solutions for nonlinear three-dimensional modified Korteweg–de Vries–Zakharov–Kuznetsov equation in a magnetized electron–positron plasma

AR Seadawy - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2016 - Elsevier
The nonlinear three-dimensional modified Korteweg–de Vries–Zakharov–
Kuznetsov​(mKdV–ZK) equation governs the behavior of weakly nonlinear ion-acoustic …

Dynamics of ion-acoustic waves in Thomas-Fermi plasmas with source term

L Mandi, A Saha, P Chatterjee - Advances in Space Research, 2019 - Elsevier
Dynamics of ion acoustic waves are studied in Thomas-Fermi plasmas with source term
consisting of electrons, positrons and positive ions, where electrons and positrons follow …

Wave kinetics of relativistic quantum plasmas

JT Mendonça - Physics of Plasmas, 2011 - pubs.aip.org
A quantum kinetic equation, valid for relativistic unmagnetized plasmas, is derived here. This
equation describes the evolution of a quantum quasi-distribution, which is the Wigner …

Nonlinear electromagnetic perturbations in a degenerate ultrarelativistic electron-positron plasma

WF El-Taibany, AA Mamun - Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and …, 2012 - APS
Nonlinear propagation of fast and slow magnetosonic perturbation modes in an
ultrarelativistic, ultracold, degenerate (extremely dense) electron positron (EP) plasma …

Ion acoustic shock waves in a degenerate relativistic plasma with nuclei of heavy elements

A Atteya, EE Behery, WF El-Taibany - The European Physical Journal Plus, 2017 - Springer
Based on the quantum hydrodynamics theory, a rigorous model for ion acoustic shock
waves (IASWs) in a degenerate relativistic plasma with heavy ion nuclei is presented. Two …

Ultrafast optical field–ionized gases—A laboratory platform for studying kinetic plasma instabilities

C Zhang, CK Huang, KA Marsh, CE Clayton… - Science …, 2019 - science.org
Kinetic instabilities arising from anisotropic electron velocity distributions are ubiquitous in
ionospheric, cosmic, and terrestrial plasmas, yet there are only a handful of experiments that …

Bifurcation analysis of ion-acoustic superperiodic waves in dense plasmas

PK Prasad, S Sarkar, A Saha, KK Mondal - Brazilian Journal of Physics, 2019 - Springer
Bifurcation analysis of ion-acoustic (IA) superperiodic waves is studied in dense plasmas
composed of electrons, positrons, and positive ions. Employing bifurcation analysis of …

Ion acoustic solitary waves in plasmas with nonextensive distributed electrons, positrons and relativistic thermal ions

MG Hafez, MR Talukder, R Sakthivel - Indian Journal of Physics, 2016 - Springer
The theoretical and numerical studies have been investigated on nonlinear propagation of
weakly relativistic ion acoustic solitary waves in an unmagnetized plasma system consisting …

Propagation and head-on collisions of ion-acoustic solitons in a Thomas–Fermi magnetoplasma: relativistic degeneracy effects

M Akbari-Moghanjoughi - Physics of Plasmas, 2010 - pubs.aip.org
Small amplitude propagation and quasielastic head-on collision of ion-acoustic solitary
waves (IASWs) are investigated in a degenerate Thomas–Fermi electron-positron-ion …