The love/hate relationship with the C preprocessor: An interview study
F Medeiros, C Kästner, M Ribeiro… - … Conference on Object …, 2015 - drops.dagstuhl.de
The C preprocessor has received strong criticism in academia, among others regarding
separation of concerns, error proneness, and code obfuscation, but is widely used in …
separation of concerns, error proneness, and code obfuscation, but is widely used in …
Discipline Matters: Refactoring of Preprocessor Directives in the #ifdef Hell
F Medeiros, M Ribeiro, R Gheyi, S Apel… - IEEE Transactions …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The C preprocessor is used in many C projects to support variability and portability.
However, researchers and practitioners criticize the C preprocessor because of its negative …
However, researchers and practitioners criticize the C preprocessor because of its negative …
The discipline of preprocessor-based annotations-does# ifdef tag n't# endif matter
R Malaquias, M Ribeiro, R Bonifácio… - 2017 IEEE/ACM 25th …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The C preprocessor is a simple, effective, and language-independent tool. Developers use
the preprocessor in practice to deal with portability and variability issues. Despite the …
the preprocessor in practice to deal with portability and variability issues. Despite the …
Do# ifdef-based variation points realize feature model constraints?
AR Santos, E Santana de Almeida - ACM SIGSOFT Software …, 2015 - dl.acm.org
Two mechanisms widely used in the Software Product Lines (SPL) Engineering are the
feature model and the conditional compilation. The former models the variability in the …
feature model and the conditional compilation. The former models the variability in the …
An approach to safely evolve program families in c
F Medeiros - Proceedings of the companion publication of the 2014 …, 2014 - dl.acm.org
The C preprocessor is widely used to handle variability and solve portability issues in
program families. In this context, developers normally use tools like GCC and Clang …
program families. In this context, developers normally use tools like GCC and Clang …
The love/hate relationship with the C preprocessor: An interview study (artifact)
F Medeiros, C Kästner, M Ribeiro, S Nadi… - Dagstuhl Artifacts …, 2015 - drops.dagstuhl.de
This appendix presents detailed information about the research methods we used in the
study, subject characterization, grounded theory process that we followed strictly, and the …
study, subject characterization, grounded theory process that we followed strictly, and the …
Explainable, Security-Aware and Dependency-Aware Framework for Intelligent Software Refactoring
C Abid - 2021 - deepblue.lib.umich.edu
As software systems continue to grow in size and complexity, their maintenance continues to
become more challenging and costly. Even for the most technologically sophisticated and …
become more challenging and costly. Even for the most technologically sophisticated and …
[PDF][PDF] Automated Refactoring of Rust Programs
PO Ringdal - 2020 - duo.uio.no
Refactoring is the practice of changing code without altering its behavior. Rust is a language
with an ownership model where lifetimes are statically resolved and it has macro support. In …
with an ownership model where lifetimes are statically resolved and it has macro support. In …
Safely evolving preprocessor-based configurable systems
F Medeiros - Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on …, 2016 - dl.acm.org
Since the 70s, the C preprocessor is still widely used in practice in a numbers of projects,
including Apache, Linux, and Libssh, to tailor systems to different platforms. To better …
including Apache, Linux, and Libssh, to tailor systems to different platforms. To better …
Safely evolving configurable systems
F Medeiros - Companion Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGPLAN …, 2015 - dl.acm.org
Developers use configuration options to tailor systems to different platforms. This
configurability leads to exponential configuration spaces and traditional tools (eg, gcc) check …
configurability leads to exponential configuration spaces and traditional tools (eg, gcc) check …